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Posts by Kazuki

Thread Post Excerpt
New to Monero <p>Hi, I think the best way to help is coding, but if you can't code the best alternative is find so...
Monero's tail emission <p>Tail emission is a great feature of this coin, not only it solves the miners dilemma after emissi...
Monday Monero Missives #24 - March 2nd, 2015 <p>good stuff, podcast format is great, thanks.</p>
Monday Monero Missives #26 - March 16th, 2015 <p>"little grey man, they are after my monero!" - fluffypony</p> <p>"they (aliens) actually set str...
CryptoNight stratum <p></p>
DynDNS like service for OpenAlias <p>Interesting, OpenAlias is one of my favorite features because it <em>open</em> many user-friendly...
Ubuntu bitmonerod blockchain problem <p>the real question here is why are you running things as root.</p>
Monero support for Trezor <p>I would like to see this happening, donated 10 XMR 21b14c9d26253270bd6bf921a9671d9cc3116a10f3742c...
Adding Monero support for Trezor <p>word.</p>
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>it puts Monero right on its track as scalable cryptocurrency, as long as emission and other key e...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>"Nobody panics when things go "according to plan.""</p>
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>6 months is a good period, e.g. next September 18th (6 months after the b-day) the first hard for...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>The problem with Ripple and others is not because they fork, its because they were premined/insta...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>awe</p> going xmr, looking for testers <p>we really need the viewkey feature</p>
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>the default view sux and make posts "disappear", set it to oldest or latest and you'll find his c... Login Options <p>Your private key is composed of your view key and your spend key, I suppose the public address wo...
Qs re Monero Windows wallet <p>Look, there is a reason you want to keep on mymonero until the next version, in normal circumstan...
Blockchain size forecast <p>57 GB by 2020 is completely doable, the people who want to be their own bank should go buy a 1TB...
Translating <p>I would like to help too but I see no framework where I can translate from to...</p>