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Posts by 5w00p

Thread Post Excerpt
Independent Libertarian <p>I would like to express my political leanings with these two words, Independent Libertarian, and...
Thoughts on New Forum? <p>Well thought-out design, interface, the whole deal.</p>
Independent Libertarian <p>You are correct, as I do not affiliate myself with any political party, hence the Independent lab...
Stay up-to-date on which pools have the most hash @ <p> is finally down to less than 5MH.</p> <p>Small Pools, 'cause they're more cozy.</...
PiMP release for XMR GPU mining <p>Your optimism regarding GPU miners is commendable. However, ASICs long ago took over scrypt, and...
Links to latest GPU/CPU miners <p>Good info.</p> <p>I would like to say that YAM miner can be set to 1% fee, which is the minimum...
fluffypony's Los Angeles Monero meetup <p>I would suggest heading south from LA, where I would be pleased to meet you. May I suggest San Cl...
fluffypony's Los Angeles Monero meetup <p>Are you still around, Pony o' Fluffiness?</p>
fluffypony's Los Angeles Monero meetup <p>In a situation such as this, good ol' chronological ordering for forum posts seems nostalgically...
fluffypony's Los Angeles Monero meetup <p>Well, I would still be interested in meeting up on Sunday the 15th, if you can do so. I will PM y...
fluffypony's Los Angeles Monero meetup <p>Fluffypony and his wife were nice enough to meet with me yesterday at their hotel in Burbank and...
25 XMR prize for the best Monero art/meme <p>[To da moon!] (</p>
25 XMR prize for the best Monero art/meme <p>That is very generous. Your generosity is inspiring.</p> <p>So, please send the 10 XMR runner-u...
25 XMR prize for the best Monero art/meme <p>Were you able to donate the 10 XMR to the Dev Fund?</p> <p>Did you use the Payment ID?</p> <p>T...
25 XMR prize for the best Monero art/meme <p>Excellent.</p> <p>Thank you for doing that and for putting up the XMR for this contest.</p>