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Links to latest GPU/CPU miners

Please indicate open/closed sourced status and associated fees/donations

Replies: 14
osirem posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

For a fast web benchmark of rig (CPU Miner included with boost) Mine using Bitcoin Office Grow a network of connected miners, dash total h/s New technology let me know what you think.

Elvizzzzzzz edited 8 years ago Weight: -407 | Link [ - ]

Hi - latest newbie here. I downloaded sgminer-monero (dated july 2014) from github and it seemed to compile with a shedload of warnings. It's open-source, and I'm on Debian|linux, and it seems to have found the GPU ok from the output of the configure. I've tried pointing sgminer at a pool, and it seems to be trying to connect, but with no success - the last line is " Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers" There was a warning from the developer that it had problems with OpenCL, so I knew what I was getting into. I thought I should ask her if anyone has tried this sgminer-monero before I attempt something really stupid

nioc edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -882 | Link [ + ]

The following was just posted on the main BCT thread by sammy007.;topicseen#new

Guys, it seems some suspicious russian proprietary miner kachur is very popular already. I'd like to say that this mining software seems SCAM. I banned several miners after I found duplicate share vulnerability and all miners spotted in logs with attempt to submit duplicate share were using this software. Stay away from not trusted developers, there is no even BCT thread for this miner.

If you are trusted person, we can test this miner in isolation, I'll run test pool and can give you early binaries, because after vulnerability fix they probably deleted duplicate submission functionality.

Reply to: nioc
Drhiggins edited 8 years ago Weight: -881 | Link [ + ]

nioc, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention because I also had read a few sketchy things about Kminer.

I checked with operator of my pool and he told me that one of the latest patch fixes the duplicate share vulnerability with the Kminer 1.4. Anyone out there using this miner may want to check with their pools to see if they have applied the patch.

I have to say the Kminer is solid so far. I like the extra hashing power it has over the Claymore 9.1 and it hasn't crashed or locked up Windows once yet.

Drhiggins edited 8 years ago Weight: -883 | Link [ + ]

Trying the Kminer 1.4 miner tonight for the first time on my rig.
4x Gigabyte AMD 280x

After running both Claymore 9.1 and Kminer 1.4 for 5 minutes each on same difficulty, looks like the Kminer is pulling about 190H/sec faster than the Claymore. However Claymore pulls 740 watts at the wall and Kminer pulls 840 watts at the wall.

Will have to do some price comparison on the Kilowatt charge when I get a chance see which come out better on price to operate. Going to run this Kminer for 24 hours to see how stable it is. Hope for no crashes or lock ups.

5w00p edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -890 | Link [ + ]

Good info.

I would like to say that YAM miner can be set to 1% fee, which is the minimum akaik.

In the applicable .cfg file:

mining-params = bcn:av=1&donation-interval=100

Reply to: 5w00p
jwinterm edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -890 | Link [ + ]

Thanks 5w00p, edited.

Reply to: jwinterm 5w00p
PlanK edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -890 | Link [ + ]

Claymore AMD GPU miner V9.0 is now 2.5% dev fee.

Some competition from a Russian AMD GPU miner is having effect.

Reply to: PlanK jwinterm 5w00p
jwinterm edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -890 | Link [ + ]

Thx, updated again. Do you have a link to Russian AMD GPU miner?

Reply to: jwinterm PlanK jwinterm 5w00p
PlanK edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -887 | Link [ + ]

0.7% dev fee. Unknown source, use at own risk.

Reply to: PlanK jwinterm PlanK jwinterm 5w00p
jwinterm edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -885 | Link [ + ]

Thanks, I talked to owner of one major pool and they were a bit skeptical of this miner, but I'll add it with warning anyways.

Reply to: jwinterm PlanK jwinterm PlanK jwinterm
Drhiggins edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -883 | Link [ + ]


Can you tell me which Yam file to get for my rig. I have 64 bit windows 8 with 4 AMD GPU's 280x There are so many files on the Yam site not sure which one to get. I can kinda narrow it down but damn there is lots to choose from. Any help you can offer is appreciated.

Reply to: Drhiggins jwinterm PlanK jwinterm PlanK
jwinterm edited 8 years ago Weight: -883 | Link [ + ]

yam miner is for cpu, and I think it depends more on the binary that you choose rather than the config file - you have to pick the right binary for your cpu. I cpu mine with Wolf cpuminer, just because I'm loathe to use closed source junk that I have to pay anonymous people for, so I'm not really familiar with it tbh.

jwinterm edited 8 years ago Weight: -891 | Link [ + ]

For CPU miners there is:
1 - yam miner (closed source) with minimum 1% fee - mega download link in btctalk thread
2 - Claymore CPU miner (closed source) with 2.5% fee or lower performance and no fee (Windows only) - mega and google drive links in btctalk thread
3 - Wolf CPU miner (open source) no fee (AES only) - ottrbutt binary links and github source links in btctalk thread
4 - LucasJones CPU miner (open source) no fee (non AES processors) - source and Windows binaries on github

For GPU miners there is:
1 - Claymore AMD GPU miner (closed source) with 2.5% fee or lower performance and no fee - mega and google drive links in btctalk thread
2 - Kminer AMD GPU miner (closed source) with 0.7% fee (Unknown source, use at own risk.) - thread with mega and google drive links
3 - tsiv Nvidia GPU ccminer (open source) no fee for cuda 5.5 - source and binaries available on github
4 - Nvidia GPU nvminer (open source) no fee for cuda 6.5 (I think same performance as tsiv miner on 750 ti, maybe slightly better on other cards, just compatible with newer cuda) - source and binaries available on

There are some other closed source miners that were specific to certain pools, but afaik they were all achieving supposedly higher hash rates by performing double share submission attacks against other pools. Please let me know if I missed anyone.