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Posts by ajs

Thread Post Excerpt
Missing coins <p>Freewallet and MoneroX are 3rd-party services not related to The Monero Project. You need to cont...
payment id invalid? <p>From the command line, open your wallet and type the following:</p> <pre><code>transfer 2 poloni...
Build Monero Mining Rig <p>It would be best to get on IRC freenode and join #monero-pools to ask questions about mining.</p>...
How do I know if my set up is successful <p>When you are synced in monerod, you should get a "<strong>SYNCHRONIZED OK</strong>" message. When...
promote monero in China <p>Thank you <strong><em>firpertect</em></strong> for taking the initiative. Exposure in China would...
Monero community "hedge fund" <p>Does not really matter if one calls it a "community fund", it is the actual activities that are l...
Monero Defcon 26 Supplies <p>NOTE FROM ADMINS: the current FFS implementation does not allow for decimal points in the fundrai...
Monero Defcon 26 Supplies <p>Items have been purchased and <a href="
Monero Defcon 26 Supplies <p>Last order from amazon has been delivered.</p>