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A continuation for all purpose programming of what needs to[...]

I have now finished the second to last milestone in my current contract. I'd originally committed to a short enough time in case it wouldn't work out well, but I think this has worked quite well, so I'm proposing a new contract to follow as soon as the last milestone is done. I have had several requests about applying for an extension, so I think some people at least are keen to see that happening :)

This extension will be a pretty similar deal, but for a longer time period: a set amount of time spent working on monero. I will up the price a bit (both because it's been taking so much of my free time, and because the price of monero has gone down since then), and I will commit to more time in total, with the same average weekly time target. Even though I consistently managed at least equal to the target 10 hours a week so far, this may or may not continue.

I propose the following:

  • 450 hours spent working on monero (previous was 260)
  • A guideline of about 10 hours a week, as previously, but this is only indicative
  • 40 monero per hour (previous was 30, but monero was also valued about a quarter higher in fiat terms)
  • 10 milestones, at regular 45 hours intervals (previous was 6 every 45)
  • so a total of 18000 monero (previous was 7800)

To be started as milestones get funded. There's a 12.92 leftover in the previous fund, it can probably be used to seed this one.

Replies: 48
Lloydimiller4 posted 8 years ago Weight: -113 | Link [ + ]

It looks like everyone is willing to support this project, when can we get it moved to the funding required sub?

antw081 posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -110 | Link [ + ]

Yeah, lets get this moved to the funding section. I want to donate!

rocco posted 8 years ago Weight: -109 | Link [ + ]

will support this too. last deal was well worth the money and this one will be too.

Reply to: antw081
antw081 posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]


drfred posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

just sent some too :) thx moo!

Bassica edited 8 years ago Weight: -98 | Link [ + ]

Contribution sent.

nioc posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

Donation sent. Thank you mooooooooooooo!!

AJIekceu4 edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -98 | Link [ + ]

+2000 XMR

Reply to: AJIekceu4
Bassica posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

You are awesome! Thanks a lot

leotreasure posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

I contributed an hour. Thanks for helping privacy/fungibility!

aerbax posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

Donation sent.

ArticMine posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]


smooth edited 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

MoneroHouse from CryptoKingdom has donated 1000

EDIT: Thanks to the late Marquess of Arda (aka 'pa') whose estate has made this donation possible.

RaskaRuby posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

Donated 100 XMR. Thanks moneromooo!

pa posted 8 years ago Weight: -98 | Link [ + ]

Topped off.