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el00ruobuob: Part Time for Another Quarter (Jully-September)


Hi Everyone,

I'm el00ruobuob, i've done the French translation of Monero Website with the help of erciccione, the monerujo French translation for m2049r, a full refresh of developer daemon RPC guide.

If you do not know me yet, look at the latest merged PR on monero-site, the Open-Hub stats, or ask rehrar & luigi1111 how annoying i am ;)


I would like to continue doing the French localization for almost anything that came up. I also would like to help in any possible ways, like creating/updating guides & moneropedia.

As the work done on my first FFS seems to be appreciated, i propose to continue to help the community in another FFS.


This time, i think i could increase my very minimum work-time to half an hour par day, 6 days a week. That's a 3 hours a week, and for those who know me a, it's really an underestimation.

At the moment, i just finished with the getkovri site "main" translation in French, and i have this todo list:

  • guides versioning improvements (if needed);
  • kovri-docs cleanup & improvements;
  • wallet RPC guide full refresh;
  • Buy a LedgerHQ to be able to help on documenting;
  • Test even more PRs on monero-site, and now on kovri-site;

Given the actual prices (115€) compared to the 200€ level around wich my first FFS was based, i am now thinking of 0.4XMR per hour. If the price goes back up, it will be lowered of course.

So a 1.2XMR per week or 4.8XMR per month.


I propose milestones not for particular achievements, but for each month.

  • Jully: 4.8XMR;
  • August: 4.8XMR;
  • September: 4.8XMR.

For a grand total of 14.4XMR.


Work done would be seen on:

And if you want to donate to me directly, be my guest: 47xu3gQpF569au9C2ajo5SSMrWji6xnoE5vhr94EzFRaKAGw6hEGFXYAwVADKuRpzsjiU1PtmaVgcjUJF89ghGPhUXkndHc

Replies: 6
antw081 edited 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Reply to: antw081
el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you so much! i really appreciate.

el_ruobuob edited 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Guys, as Jully has ended, i completed the first milestone.
So i give you my quick report here, a lot of major stuff have been accomplished:

  • Monero website:
    • Moneropedia localization (reworked the ruby script)
    • Community workgroup meetings transcryptions
    • Localization of user-guide screenshots (a ruby plugin to actually use the _i18n png folder, and have user guides displaying screenshots from their own languages)
    • a few new merchants/exchanges added
    • a few typos and corrections
    • updates according to new AR language mismatch with other merges
    • Ledger & Kovri-related updates on download page & Roadmap
  • Kovri
    • Readme translation to French
    • Docs in new structure translated to french
    • French update of all relocalization-related stuff on the site
  • Monerujo
    • String completion according to the updates (subaddresses & ledger)
    • site translation, to be ready to roll in French when multilingual will be available

Not counting the community support on StackExchange, IRC or GitHub.

Next month(s) todo-list, mostly by priority (P) order, is like:

  • Finishing Moneropedia French translation (75% done) - P1
  • New Kovri Monero guide translation - P1
  • Kovri guides versionning (as suggested by rehrar) - P2
  • Wallet RPC guide refresh (i really should get started with this) - P2
  • Buying a Ledger to port dEBRUYNE-1 Ledger GUI guide on the website userguide with screenshots and photos - P3

If you guys are willing something in priority, or another stuff to be listed, please let me know.

Alex058 edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Fine with me, lets take it to funding required

Edit: donated

Reply to: Alex058
el_ruobuob edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Edit: Thanks again!

el_ruobuob posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


As August is coming to an end, let's review the few things i've done this month. As a consequence of vacations, i've not been as productive, but still:

Updated todo list is:

Always listening for your feedback & ideas.