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el00ruobuob: Part time for 3 month

Hi Everyone,


I'm el00ruobuob, i've done the French translation of Monero Website with the help of erciccione.

I've also done the monerujo French translation for m2049r (comming soon).

Since, as most things are awaiting major updates or PR merged to be continued, i just try to help in other ways.


I would like to continue doing the French localization for almost anything that came up. I also would like to help in any possible ways, like creating/updating guides & moneropedia.

However, my wife is not really happy of all the time i spend helping the community for free, but can't see where i could say "donation apretiated".

So i post this here, in the hope it gets positive answers!

I propose to be kind of hired for this, with an underestimated worktime.


I was thinking about 2 hours a week.

Translating the took me much more than that, but it's not about getting exactly what i did, much more getting what i will be doing at the very least.

I will have to dive into the kovri site next, and it will take me more than this.

I would also propose to update the deamon RPC developer guide that is outdated, along with any improvement i could do beside translating.

But anyway, let's says i have to work 2 hours a week on the backlog and upcoming things, anything else is a time contribution from me.

By the way, if nobody wants to contribute, it will be an entire time contribution from me, with an anger wife in extra ;)

I was thinking of 0.25XMR per hour.

So a 0.5XMR per week or 2XMR per month.


I propose milestones not for particular achievements, but for each month.

  • April: 2XMR;
  • May: 2XMR;
  • June: 2XMR.

For a grand total of 6XMR.


Work done would be seen on:

And if you want to donate to me directly, be my guest: 47xu3gQpF569au9C2ajo5SSMrWji6xnoE5vhr94EzFRaKAGw6hEGFXYAwVADKuRpzsjiU1PtmaVgcjUJF89ghGPhUXkndHc

Replies: 14
el_ruobuob edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

New topic would be the Wallet RPC Full update. This will be started after #702 and #703 are merged.

drfred edited 6 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

good morning! donation incoming, that one's on me :)

Reply to: drfred
el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you very much!

Reply to: drfred
el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Wait? Did you found all of it? A thousand thanks then!

el_ruobuob edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks again for contributing. I wanted to give you updates of what i did for the time considered in milestones, so here's a quick higlight.

Edit 07/02: June achievements completed.

What i have accomplished so far :

  • April
    • Monerujo French localization
    • More updates on French localization
    • Daemon RPC Guide Full update start
    • A few others tiny stuff (Moneropedia article, several typos correction...)
  • May
    • Site testing environment setup
    • Site tests for all opened and not conflicting PR
    • Daemon RPC Guide Full update end, with the major help of Moneromooo
    • User guides updates to Lithium Luna
  • June
    • Guides (User/Dev) versioning (pending)
    • getmonero IRC content relocalization
    • getmonero library page creation
    • Community meetings backlog publication
lh1008 posted 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I support this. Great job!

Reply to: lh1008
el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks for supporting!

keatonofthedrake posted 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Down to donate!

Reply to: keatonofthedrake
el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


antw081 posted 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'll donate to this.

Reply to: antw081
el_ruobuob edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks in advance! I would be able to tell my wife that i'm working when she wonders why i spend so much time "playing with hard drives" (which is what she believes i'm always doing on the home server rack) ;)

Reply to: el_ruobuob antw081
antw081 edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Ah, you got funded before I had a chance to contribute to the FFS.

I sent you a small donation to your address directly instead.

Reply to: antw081 el_ruobuob antw081
el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I haven't see your post since today. So I had not thanked you properly. I thank you so much!

el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Edit: My updated daemon RPC guide is PRed now. I'm now also testing the PRs on a testing environment to see if it builds correctly, and looks allright (appart of the common glitches which are present even for the current master). Here's my test env:

  Edge IE 11 Chrome Firefox Opera Vivaldi
Windows 7 N/A OK OK OK OK OK
Windows 10 OK OK OK OK OK OK
Ubuntu 18.04 N/A N/A OK OK OK OK
CentOS 7 N/A N/A - OK OK OK