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Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero fo[...]

moneromoo is well-known contributor with a string of commits and good pull requests:

I personally support his application for funding, as does the rest of the core team. He has committed to working for 260 hours over 6 months or so (until they run out) at a total cost of 7800 XMR, ie. 30 XMR per hour. This is obviously a vastly reduced rate for a competent C / C++ developer, and moneromoo is taking on the effort in his spare time in the hopes that the XMR will be worth significantly more some day.

Milestones will be time based, with 1300 XMR released every 45 hours worked (or 35 hours for the last bit). As with all funding using the FFF (forum funding system) the funds will only be released to him on completion of a milestone and on a general community agreement that there was work done in that period. He will not be expected to put in a timesheet, per se, but he will be expected to provide a list of things he worked on and associated PRs / commits for that period.

Replies: 57
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

Also to add - work starts as soon as a milestone is backed, even if the rest is unfunded. This won't be the case with every funding project, some will require 100% or 80% or 50% or whatever before work starts, but for time-based milestones we can handle it per-time-block.

drfred edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

going to add 50XMR to this fund for now, hope to pledge some more later on.

fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

Ok so we've raised funds faster than expected, so moneromoo has already begun work. His first task is multi-language support for the CLI tools, but doing so in a way that is compatible with Qt Linguist (which is what we use for the GUI)

moneromooo edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

Thanks all!

As fluffypony said, I've already started early on the translations. I'll have those ready by the end of the week I think. That should be simplewallet at least. It can now load Qt Linguist files and properly display Chinese characters. For translators, this means they'll be able to use the Qt Linguist GUI tool to edit translations. My understanding is that Transifex can also be used with those.

whap edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

Wow this went fast, train is leaving the station! 50 XMR pledged. Keep up people!

antw081 edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

As promised, 1000 XMR sent.

pa edited 8 years ago Weight: -337 | Link [ + ]

1000 xmr sent

Bassica edited 8 years ago Weight: -338 | Link [ + ]

Great to have this dev with us! 50 xmr sent

dEBRUYNE edited 8 years ago Weight: -338 | Link [ + ]

Just wanted to state that the discussion regarding this subject can be found here -> (for those who haven't followed it). I'll donate some as well later on!