Port requirements for a full Monero mining node
<p>I am setting up Monero on a computer behind a router that does not have UPnP enabled and wish to...
Port requirements for a full Monero mining node
<p>Thank you. I have it set up with port 18080 forwarded and it works fine with both OUT and INC SYN...
The Twelve Days of Federal Reserve
A formal approach towards better hard fork management
<p>My initial reaction to this is that while this makes a lot of sense over the next 18 months with...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management
<p>The privacy and security argument in reality simply does not apply here. If a security vulnerabil...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management
<p>fluffypony did address, in the IRC dev channel, my key concern of unofficial node and / or minin...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management
<p>Are we still looking now at a September 15th code freeze+tag+release with an October 15th hard fo...
A formal approach towards better hard fork management
<p>Yes, Of course for a code freeze in September the hard fork would be next year after the six mont...
Increasing the block time
<p>I posted on the issue in BCT. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.msg12564758#msg12564...
Open source AMD miner by Wolf0
<p>Donated 718.67 XMR Open source AMD miner by Wolf0 is now at 100% funding.</p>
A formal approach towards better hard fork management
<p>Now that both the September 15th 2015, code freeze and October 15th, 2015 release dates have pass...
Increasing the minimum block size
<p>I am in favour of going to 60 KB or possibly even higher because of the split transaction issue....
A continuation for all purpose programming of what needs to get done in monero
<p>The price is very fair and more importantly moneromooo has more than proven his worth. So yes thi...
A continuation for all purpose programming of what needs to get done in monero
Epitope - protocol to increase speed of large block propagation
<p>I read the reddit thread. This basically trades bandwidth (less data downloaded) for processing t...
A continuation for all purpose programming of what needs to get done in monero
<p>I believe this thread needs to be moved to work in progress, the final payment of the previous fu...
More mooo coding goodness
<p>Donated 325.40 XMR. moneromooo's work is of course very important to the success of project and h...
anonimal's Kovri Full Time Development funding thread
<p>Donated 650.00 XMR</p>
Mooo full time july-september
<p>Thank you for all the hard work. Donated 120.00 XMR</p>
Monero integrations with web apps
<p>Donated 60.00 XMR</p>