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Posts by el_ruobuob

Thread Post Excerpt
el00ruobuob: part time for a new quarter (October - December) <p>Thank you!</p>
Monero Sponsorship of the movie Crypto, a feature-film about Bitcoin <p>Hello,</p> <p>Have you first consider accepting cryptos (at least BTC & XMR) on the atomicne...
el00ruobuob: January to March (part time for a new Quarter) <p><strong>Update: Please do not send any fund here, and use the <a href="
Reward Monero translators <p>I feel like this seems really fair, and should be funded.<br /> I said so been a translator forbi...
el00ruobuob: January to March (part time for a new Quarter) <p>Thank you very much! You have always been very supportive!</p>
el00ruobuob: January to March (part time for a new Quarter) <p><strong>Update: Please do not send any fund here, and use the <a href="