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Monero Wiki

I'm looking for sites that give info about Monero, and there just aren't that many.
What's with
If anyone's working on something or knows something about this, let me know. Darkcoin's got a ton of info about it all over the web. Monero sometimes feels like a great secret, but if people don't really know about it or understand it, it's going to go be like ogg vorbis.

Replies: 8
TonyClifton edited 9 years ago Weight: -865 | Link [ - ]

Yes, I think this is the best focus of non-programming attention at this point, along with a FAQ. Interested people need to be able to find information easily - there is a lot about but hard to find. Simple things like why that database is important, and how Monero can and will be used to maintain privacy, e.g. using I2P.

dnaleor edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -877 | Link [ - ]

it's a good idea to create a wiki. With low level explanations on how Monero works. Let's make it happen :)

Reply to: dnaleor
Nekomata edited 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -877 | Link [ - ]

as it turns out there is something like that: very incomplete and would better serve the community hosted on moneros main domain

Reply to: Nekomata dnaleor
Quanttek edited 9 years ago Weight: -852 | Link [ - ]

That's wiki purpose is only a proposal from Jojatekok for a new RPC API

Reply to: Nekomata dnaleor
dnaleor edited 9 years ago Weight: -866 | Link [ - ]

working on some wiki articles in layman terms. Hope it will be usefull:)

Drhiggins edited 9 years ago Weight: -878 | Link [ - ]

Perhaps a Wiki launch could coincide with the GUI release. Kind of a software and press release all rolled into one. The press release could cover the Wiki, forums, and any relevant economics publication. Hopefully the GUI will be available from multiple creditable sources for download.

Nekomata edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -880 | Link [ - ]

marketing is needed, but before we need the gui + db to be completed, no point in bringing the masses without glossy guis.

Reply to: Nekomata
basicus edited 9 years ago Weight: -846 | Link [ - ]

You are actually wrong about this. Building search engine traffic takes a very long time, so this needs to get started on as soon as possible. Setting up does not take long time. It's done in a few minutes. Linking to it from the main page would just take a few minutes to do as well.

If you are worried about bandwidth, I can host it for free on one of our servers in my company.