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Improving Developer Guides to include Simplewallet examples[...]

What do I want to do and why?

For some time, the Developer Guides under Knowledge Base have been quite short on material. There is some documentation of simplewallet JSON RPC methods, but no complete examples. In addition, there is no information on bitmonerod methods.

Recently, I have been working on building out a Python package for Monero. My initial focus has been to build a comprehensive package for talking with the daemon and simplewallet via RPC methods. As a result, I have had to pull information from many different sources so that I can flesh out my package (primarily working from other packages, example sites, BitcoinTalk, reddit, and the main bitmonero GitHub source code).

I would like to turn my efforts around and compile all of this information into the Knowledge Base so that future developers will not have to go through the same struggle. This is separate from the work I am already doing on my Python package.

Who Am I?

I am a PhD student and graduate researcher in engineering, and have been in the cryptocurrency space for a little over two years. I have contributed in small amounts to various cryptocurrency projects. Most relevantly, I am the creator of the Monero Monitor Chrome Extension and am currently working on Pymonero.

Proposed Milestones:

  1. Add examples (with return examples) to the Simplewallet RPC information already available.
  2. Create a similar page for the Bitmonero daemon RPC interface, including both the JSON RPC methods and other methods such as /gettransactions and /is_key_image_spent.


In total, I anticipate this task will take me 6 hours, including creating examples of both valid and invalid method calls. This is on top of the time that I am spending on my own to continue to develop Pymonero to be a comprehensive Python tool. I anticipate that I will be able to complete both milestones over a two week period during evenings after my actual job.

I am asking to raise 90 XMR, or 15 XMR/hr. Please let me know if this seems reasonable.

-Mike, a.k.a. BRM

Replies: 7
bigreddmachine posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Confirming that I received the funds today from Fluffypony for this proposal!

Thanks for the support everyone.

fluffypony posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I support this - if nobody else has an issue in the next 12 hours I'll move it to the Funding Required section and it'll be open for funding:)

Drhiggins posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Great idea, count on some XMR for this Bounty from me.

Bassica posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Donated. Thanks for doing this!

bigreddmachine posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks for the support everyone! Time to get to work.

bigreddmachine posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


I have submitted the following pull request: monero-project/monero-site/pull/110

This represents work done towards my proposal. Please feel free to comment and I am happy to make further changes/edits if the community feels they are needed or useful.

bigreddmachine posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Update 2:

The pull request was merged and work can be seen live on the website: Developer Guides.

Anyone that has a moment, please take a look and give some feedback.