**NB: To do list at the bottom -
Additional NB: It doesn't have to only concern "promotion". It can be many other things.**
Many want to contribute, but do not know what to do.
A challenge for many wanting to contribute, is "where do I start?". Especially if someone who wants to contribute doesn't have many technical skills such as coding, deeper understanding of the network, etc.
There was a missive about this recently (although it's been recorded quite a while ago now). Still, there's lots of vagueness around, what to do. Many people are working on their individual projects already and lots of things happen behind the scene, but many are just left with writing in threads and have that be it.
NB: I also have the hopes that it potentially could limit questions and needed responses to the developers.
Up-keep a "to do" list that is not entirely dependent on dev-work and not necessarily requiring coding-skills.
I would encourage people to do pro bono work and chip away at items on the list. However, a lot of people's time is better spend elsewhere and thus donations from those people towards the "funding required" items are encouraged instead.
The intention is to keep the tasks on this list rather small in scope, not larger projects which warrants funding.
Additional ideas:
Add a site under "Getting Started" on this site, aptly named "How can I help?" where a short explanation of how to pitch in (other than sponsoring/donations) is explained and an up-to-date (weekly?) task list is maintained. Tasks done would be visible with strikethrough. If it is deemed a good idea I will create such a page, and (figure out to) do a pull request.
To add to the above idea, we can have people sign up for a "task-newsletter" type-thing. It would be including "What was done" and "What needs to be done" and "who gone done it..".
Even though bounties do not seem to work - and this is only an idea too - we could have people donating to a task-list address and then we can do weekly / monthly votes on who did the best and they would receive the (unknown amount - only known to escrow?) donation? I am not sure I am sold on this specific idea myself though!
"What can I do?"
1) You can subscribe to this thread (and potential newsletter?), so whenever it is updated you will get a notification.
2) You can add your name to a task/part of a task on the list and add your deadline. I or someone else will update the task list with with your name and deadline. (Please add a realistic deadline, and try your best to stick to it, so others are not deterred from doing a task that you're not getting done. Of course if you regret, your name can be removed again, and please consider doing so).
3) You can add tasks/ideas that needs to be done. Preferably you will break down bigger tasks into smaller tasks. Example: The Moneropedia is getting work done now, but "Updating/finishing the Moneropedia" can be a daunting task. Breaking down tasks - in the style of David Allen's "Getting Things Done" would be "Add words to the wordlist" or "Write content for "Spend Key". Smaller tasks could even be "write the index for User Guides". Maybe someone is deterred from finishing it, because they do not know where to start - or finish. These were examples related to the website, but there are many other tasks that could be done, be it helping some other project with your skills even use the list to ask for help with your project. Do you need your Monero-website to look better? Do you want to make a presentation?
If you have suggestions to the list (or breakdown of tasks) then please go ahead. Even though it is beneficial to break down tasks, let's only do it to the level necessary for being most efficient.
N.B. - As much as possible, and without micromanaging I'll see if I can hold people responsible to their commitments. Mostly just through friendly reminders and banter. Potentially asking if people need help or if they want to avoid doing it anyway.
TASK / TO DO LIST: (updated october 3, 2015)
- Upkeep this list (Name: Opennux - Deadline: Weekly)
- Create and PR a "How can I help" page with a short intro + the task list (if wanted?) (Name: Opennux - Deadline: October 9)
- Create a (semi-official?) newsletter and signup-page on "How can I help". (Depending on sentiment) (Name: opennux - deadline: tba)
Create info graphic(s) (Name: Palexander - Deadline: tba)
Create design for QR code stickers linking to getmonero.org or sub-site + adding # of site-visits from this
Write Index for "User Guides" (What should the content be?)
Write "User Guides"
Write "External Projects"
Write Index over required "Developer Guides"
Create "Developer Guides"
Add Words to the Moneropedia
Finish the "Monero Research Lab" text and page
Write/Create the "OpenAlias" page
Update third party clients page - jojatek is no longer maintaining MoneroX
Finish "About Monero" page - it has text in the bottom which is a "note to self". The author forgot to delete his notes, and it is published..
Expand the media-package
Create a short video/animation/whiteboard animation explaining what Monero is.
........Please, feel free to discuss and add more content/your name&deadline.