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I succeeded but what a journey!


I manage data for web hosting companies and the like so I know what is command line. It took me 2 weeks on and off to download the blockchain 19.2 GB from a remote off-grid location with descent bandwidth.

The bad part is that I had to use over 6 or 7 times that size in bandwidth to get it. So my advice is get a blochain and start from that one, if you have more than a 1000 days to get, it will take a lot of time and bandwidth!

Anyway it works BUT I still have not recovered my Monero as the client I tried is crashing and screwing the keyring all the time. I will have to recover from the seeds as this client MoneroGui.Net-v0.41.1-x64 IS BAD, AVOID IT AT ALL COST. MAKE SURE YOU GET IT FROM THE OFFICIAL MONERO SITE! I AM NOT SURE BUT THINK IT IS MONERO.HOW

As for the official one in beta phase the gui is useless as it's stuck in test mode and cannot even connect to the daemon and no apparent way to select it.

I will try to recover my coin using the cli when I have a minute to test.

So as of today I do not know of any GUI client for Monero that works. I have not tried on an Android or any phone gadget yet.

My two cents,

Replies: 2
moneromooo posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

2 weeks on and off is about what amount of time overall ? The old .net GUI is way obsolete, yes. Don't use. You won't be able to sync with it. If the GUI is stuck, check the messages (in the settings page IIRC for any errors). Test mode is a known bug, which I thought was fixed: exit the GUI, edit the config file (I think it's somewhere in ~/.config/monero-core or thereabouts), and switch the testnet setting to 0, restart GUI.

stevenvsi posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Ok, I did succeed 100%

With the cli and with the GUI. I've got my Monero coin back.

I did missed the GUI checkbox was on testnet, unchecking it worked out fine.

Hope this help someone.
