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missing funds (coins)

Hi there,

can someone help out here? I've bought some tokens at and sent to the monero-wallet-gui. But, I've not received the tokens yet. I've used the wallet address provided in the software. I think I 've got a problem with the syncing of my wallet!

Anyone experienced the same?



Replies: 1
stevenvsi edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Same here, I guess it is because you did not wait the two days for the complete blockchain to import. It takes very very long for it to complete as well as somehow the disk usage goes at 100% making the pc useless for the two days. I am trying on a very fast 8 core laptop with 16GB of memory BUT it takes forever.

I am here to find hints as no documentation exits except for mining, which I am about to read.

Also, anyone know what is the OFFICIAL Monero web site?

