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Internet access, DNS problems when running monerod.exe

Dear All, every time I start monerod.exe on my Win 10 x64 machine, every device connecting to the same router via WLAN loses internet connection (at least browsing). Even my notebook running monerod loses connection to DNS servers, and browsing stops working on it. Monero demon and the wallet client however work fine. After stopping monerod, I have to restart the router so that all internet services recover. Is this problem common, or specific to my case? Anyone else experiencing this? What could be the solution?

Replies: 2
Babber posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

This also applies to wired connections, not just WLAN. Internet browsers return the error message: "DNS address could not be found."

Babber posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Problem solved, thanks to the Reddit community. The DNS server on my notebook had to be set to something other than the routers DNS service. I chose Google's, and it fix the problem.