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Different recipient address when signing transfer offline

Dear All, I am trying to make an offline transaction. My hot wallet is on a Windows machine (using monero-win-x64-v0.10.3.0), where I successfully generate an unsigned_monero_tx file. I move this file to a Linux machine (using monero-linux-x64-v0.10.3.0) where I first set up the cold wallet from seed with --restore-deterministic-wallet. I issue then sign_transfer, after which I can see the details of my intended transaction except that the recipient address is something totally unknown to me. It is certainly not the address I specified on the machine with the hot wallet, however the amount to send, the fee and everything else matches. Obviously I don't sign and submit the transaction. Can you help me to find out where this transaction goes wrong? Thanks!

Replies: 5
Babber posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you, it worked out perfectly. Indeed the problem was only that the off-line wallet showed the standard address after generating an unsigned transaction with the integrated version of the same address.

moneromooo edited 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I have verified here that sending a transaction to an integrated address will end up showing the real address when signing. Integrated addresses are a form of address which embed both a standard address and a short payment ID, for convenience.

To split an integrated address into a standard address plus the integrated payment ID, use:


To compose an integrated address from a standard address and a short payment ID:


Then you can compare to check the integrated address and standard addresses really are the same.

Babber edited 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

It can well be that it is an integrated address, thank you for the hint. But in this case, how can I be sure that the two are actually the same, and this is eg. not a cross platform bug? Is there a way to see this integrated address at the confirmation prompt when signing the transfer offline? Or alternatively can I wrap the standard address out of the integrated address on the other hot wallet machine? OK, I just found this potentially answering my own question, although I haven't tried it yet: So if this works, and the standard addresses match, then I can just go on, sign and submit it?

moneromooo posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Are you sending to an integrated address ? I've just tried here and the addresses are the same. Linux/Linux though, so it could be a cross platform bug.

Babber posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Now I tried the same with the new version,, but I got the very same result. (I downloaded the binaries from the official website and I always check the hashes, they are matching. Although I cannot find the corresponding signatures in the folder where they supposed to be: source code repository /utils/gpg_keys.)