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Monero Support - You've come to the right place?

I know these forums are wholly community driven, so I don't want to put down your efforts. So please take this in the manner its intended. The support for Monero seems lacking. I'm not just saying this because I haven't had a response... I've worked around my own problems, but there's a lot of totally unanswered threads dotted around, and half-hearted attempts at assistance.

A currency is only as strong as its backing. There aren't any gold reserves here, but Monero runs on software... and people aren't going to use it... let alone it gain wider popularity, unless there's solid support, regardless of how strong the theory is behind it.

I know it's a dick move to come along and see all your efforts and then slam what you're doing,... I'm aware of that. I'm sorry. I just think you could do with knowing what kind of impression outsiders are walking away (from Monero) with. Bare wiki. Dead forums. Error messages that return zero results on Google. To all those people that can't crawl through code themselves, they hit a dead end.

Replies: 2
moneromooo posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I can't say you're wrong there. Need more volunteers to help out people I suppose, and that only gets done through more users. Kinda chicken and egg.

dEBRUYNE posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Try asking your question(s) on reddit. It has way more activity than the official forum and people are usually helped quickly.