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Remote Monero deamon

What are the implications of using Monero deamon on a remote host with a local wallet? Are there any security issues? Can the deamon handle multiple wallets? What kind of bandwidth will be required?

Replies: 5
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -894 | Link [ - ]

> What are the implications of using Monero deamon on a remote host with a local wallet?

None, except that you're talking to it over an open channel at this stage

> Are there any security issues?

No auth, no SSL (at this stage), but if you can lock it to a client IP address that's as good as golden (although the traffic is unencrypted)

> Can the deamon handle multiple wallets?


> What kind of bandwidth will be required?

A reasonable amount during catch-up, raw blocks are passed to the wallet.

Reply to: fluffypony
osensei edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -890 | Link [ - ]

What would be the implications of unencrypted traffic between wallet and daemon? Would it leak addresses and transaction amounts?

Reply to: osensei fluffypony
smooth edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -840 | Link [ - ]

It will leak literally everything you do except receiving transactions (since that does not involve sending any information to the network) and your actual private keys. All of the transactions you submit will be visible and the wallet uses the daemon to choose mixins, so those will be visible as well, revealing (by elimination) your actual outputs spent. This will in turn reveal transactions you have previously received (since otherwise you wouldn't be spending those outputs).

The RPC was clearly designed to be used between multiple processes on the same system and this is really can't be recommended as a general solution for remote wallets.

There will eventually be sound designs for lightweight wallets, but this is not one of them.

The only situation where this would be safe to use would be on a secured network to support wallets on multiple computers within that local network.

Reply to: smooth osensei fluffypony
osensei edited 8 years ago Weight: -839 | Link [ - ]


Reply to: smooth osensei fluffypony
DonYo edited 8 years ago Weight: -840 | Link [ - ]

Thank you!