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Cryptsy thread

It now seems nothing can stop Monero being added to Cryptsy, I think it will add considerable liquidity now that Mintpal is "gone"

Replies: 7
rocco edited 8 years ago Weight: -835 | Link [ - ]

is there any progress? still #1, ripple markets added long time ago. its time to move for cryptsy.

rocco edited 8 years ago Weight: -877 | Link [ - ]

dont they update this list? however,i like to trade on cryptsy. will trade on polo and cryptsy once it's live

Nekomata edited 8 years ago Weight: -879 | Link [ - ]

I really dont understand what its taking them so long, now that mintpal has gone gox we need another exchange.

nioc edited 8 years ago Weight: -892 | Link [ - ]

@Nekomata, Whether or not Mintpal resumes XMR, it won't make much difference as there was not much liquidity there.

As far as craptsy, I have no idea and have never used them.

bobabouey edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -895 | Link [ - ]

Why is XMR among the few cryptos that do not have an address for making paid votes?

Reply to: bobabouey
Nekomata edited 8 years ago Weight: -891 | Link [ - ]

It was asked to be left out I read, doesn't matter now because XMR is on the top of the list as Ripple was already added.

devnull edited 8 years ago Weight: -895 | Link [ - ]

i am not particularly fond of cryptsy but hopefully their btc/xmr volume will match that of polo. xmr could use another exchange with high volume.