Which Base address is to be used for the 1000USD Party 48PmwnVeHmQeydWTm1WugPgitDryW9rGxLQLcZ97qCryXwawM7tUcZzcQLS7QyUpFQXTDMmJPXZ9fRnLqEvwkNbSNsrdXbB or 4AzpRqAgvk3Dc1Tz5Du6njEkQtgm3zG5C1tPA4kvz4e2aE3PbY2Qmx29cfWmt1xamhRwhLPK4YJcUXoGuW2Uy7LS3gKrZcM
1000 USD Monero Party
Just like the 1000 USD Bitcoin party, why don't we just crowdfund that party now? ;) And why wait?
I propose we set up an address, people need to post their paymentID and send 1 XMR to the address. When 1 XMR equals 1000 USD, the guy in charge cashes out the moneroj and organizes the party. You will need to fund your own transportation, but your ticked is already paid :) Maybe rpietilla could host the party at Malla? :)
See Magnitude parties on the other forum (request for one consolidated page on the moneroeconomy.com forum)
1 USD party • 10 USD party • 100 USD party • 1000 USD party
- address: 48Hygbvn8uhWWEh5dAw4pmgSE2yv88BtjhiUY9LigFMQaX9GPbp98UTgDMj8GwvJCKg3U7oooXYycjbtb61MPqgiF6GQ7TX
- Funds on the Monero Thousand Dollars Party wallet: 4 XMR
- Donators: Drhiggins, nuke1989, David Latapie, dnaleor
- Exactly 1 XMR per person fees excluded - stick to it, if you want to donate more, give to the 10 USD party or the 100 USD party. And you can of course donate to the 1 USD party
- For the convenience of all, we suggest you to use your preferred payment ID
- You can get refund as long as XMR isn't converted to fiat, minus transaction and handling fees
- XMR will be converted to fiat when our goal (for this party, 1000 USD) is reached and maintained long enough. We are considering announcing conversion some days in advance (which mean people desperately willing to be refunded will have some time to do so).
- The full amount will be used to organize the party. Since it won't be exactly right either individual people will pay with their own money of the leftover will go to the dev fund
- The location (or locations) of the party (parties?) as well as the scope of what is included it not defined yet, but we'd like it to be a seamless experience - so this would probably mean you pay your plane/train... ticket and we take care of the rest (food and drinks, accomodation, guided tours, memorable gifts...)
1 xmr sent 889f265bc181d719200c144a08a28a709dbe0ecd8f77e05d5842470382e40241
We can do the first party at 100$ and next year at 1000$ :P
I will soon send 1 XMR and my id.
EDIT: Now that i think about it 1 XMR @ 1000$ can buy the tickets and maybe accomondation while 1XMR @ 100$ cant. So 1000$ looks more practical.
Sent 1XMR Payment id: c15524a51000bb107dd10a1f8049c7b42ef448f317a95293ff2530862e0f76f3 tx: 3831f33336cfdc2edce319478d747a64f1035e5a54a78ea839e4f3b90d72f877