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Want to mine Monero

I have been successfully mining eth for awhile and wanted to try monero. Im having difficulty finding a miner, and getting it to work. Im unsure if the miners im finding are up to date, or i have something mis configured. I looking for a pool and a good GPU miner, i have 2x GTX1080TI's and will be building a dedicated mining rig shortly.

Replies: 2
Thomasmcdaniel9 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hey i have a few miners on my pool . pool has been open for about 2 weeks now and i have 9 miners with 20K of hashrate but i would love to have you join our pool .

CoinFoundry edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

The pool I'm in charge of is newbie friendly and has detailed setup instructions. If you stil need help to get things rolling don't hesitate to ask for help at the pool's slack channel.

Give it a go: