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Make Sure To Be There When We Mine Our First Block! Help Kic[...]


Fast Stable and Reliable

TCP Keep Alive

Low Fees

DDoS protection Capable Of Migrating Attacks Several Times Higher Than 100Gbps.

Payout Treshhold at 0.3 XMR

Fast Fibre Internet

Low Connection Latency (1-2ms)

Multiple Nodes For Better Stability & Load Distribution

We have very low fees while still offering high performance and reliability! There is no reason to use other pools with fees as high as 2% that perform the same or sometimes even worse then ours! We will try to strive for 100% uptime and good support. Email us: [email protected] Twitter: @Monero_Pool Lets mine our first block!

Replies: 1
lh1008 posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]
