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Is this logo blue and black, or white and gold?

hint: it's blue and gold

Replies: 5
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -605 | Link [ - ]

Hueristic edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -606 | Link [ - ]

Crazy huh? Dress ooked Gold and White to me.

That logo looks light Blue and Brown to me!

Reply to: Hueristic
luigi1111 edited 8 years ago Weight: -604 | Link [ - ]

To me the logo looks very similar to the dress (not fluffy's dress above).

Reply to: Hueristic
davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -605 | Link [ - ]

Blue and black goes well with mymonero and my presentation but this is quite a change. Orange is the color of "boldness", blue is much less vindicative. For this reason, I prefer orange, it grew on me.

Also, orange was chosen by artists and another artist warned us about letting non-artist decide about esthetism

Finally, none of the se color schemes blend well with the color scheme.

Reply to: davidlatapie Hueristic
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -604 | Link [ - ]

lol David...

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