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Thoughts on New Forum?

I was wondering people's thoughts on this new forum.

I agree with the missives that new software was needed and so far this is very very nice. I am an independent dev and this has got me excited. When will it be open sourced? I'm hoping it's pythonic. Anyways, just wanted to test the waters and try things out! My first post! :)

Replies: 25
Reply to: rocco
davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Weight: -892 | Link [ - ]

You could ask for a feature request "optionally reverse chronological order". I created a Forum Feature Requests thread.

Reply to: lordfoo davidlatapie Ultros
davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Weight: -892 | Link [ - ]

You did not voted, vote is not started. You just proposed a thing :) Papa Lazzarou proposed something different, so anyone can until the vote.

nioc edited 8 years ago Weight: -893 | Link [ - ]

How does one know if there are new posts?

Reply to: xrnath
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -893 | Link [ - ]

I mentioned this elsewhere in this thread, but it does fall back to numeric pagination if you're on a browser with JS disabled (some people prefer to have JS off;)

Reply to: lordfoo davidlatapie Ultros
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -893 | Link [ - ]

It'll fall back to pagination if the browser has JS disabled. Once we make the weighting a little more aggressive then you'll find low-weighted posts (mostly by people not in your L1/L2/L3 trust, or just voted to hell and back as irrelevant) folded up by default.

Q edited 8 years ago Weight: -893 | Link [ - ]

very cool guys. congratulations!

equipoise edited 8 years ago Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

Great forum look and experience. With some more work and features added this could become the standard forum software used worldwide.

amoebatron edited 8 years ago Weight: -895 | Link [ - ]

Hello. Alas, I have registered and everything is looking sweet.

Reply to: rocco
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -891 | Link [ - ]

There are buttons at the top of the box to do bold, italics, images, and links. MarkDown is pretty standard, and if you've ever used Reddit you'll be used to it already. Here's a quick guide:

Italics - *text*

Bold - **text**

Inline image - ![alt text](http://image.url/

Links - [Link Text](http://link.url/

Code - use three back ticks (this character: `) to open and close a code block. It will be inline if it is only a single code line.

Multi-line - To go to a new line use a double space at the end of a line, to go to a new paragraph use two new lines after a line.

Bulleted lists - * Items start with an asterisk

amarha edited 8 years ago Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

Very nice!

I'm impressed. I hope people will vote on #2 and use this as well. It could really help take away a lot of the negativity that's been going on.

rocco edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

i am not really used to this kind of forum where the newest posts are not on the bottom but i will se how i can get along with it. Great to be here anyway.

a few thoughts:

  • this funtion is very cool
  • how to use bold and insert images?
  • maybe we can open a thread just to try and test things ?
  • i think the profile pics are very small
Reply to: sylviaplathlikestobake
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

No mod policy yet - we expect that we'll add rules as things progress and we see a need for a particular rule or guideline. The one massive advantage of baking the WoT into the forum is that it requires less hand-holding later on - if newcomers can be lead into intuitively grasping how to use the WoT qualitatively then there will be less dealing with scams. Oh and if we get the weighting rules right then users won't even notice troll and shill posts:)

Reply to: davidlatapie Ultros
lordfoo edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -897 | Link [ - ]

I voted for proposal #1 but I'll go where the discussions are. I like this software so far; fairly clean. I'd like to see how the auto-paging performs once a thread gets really long.

Nekomata edited 8 years ago Weight: -897 | Link [ - ]

I like it :D finally, thank you Monero team :D

sylviaplathlikestobake edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -897 | Link [ - ]

Very nice!

Will all the BCT threads lead here? What's the mod policy?