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Monday Monero Missives #23 - February 23rd, 2015

This is the discussion thread for the Missives blog post

We are moving to a new Missive format, it is now in the form of a podcast!

To download the podcast directly please use this link to the MP3, or use the HTML5 player on the blog post.

Community members are encouraged to transcribe it so that non-English speakers can benefit as well. A brief summary of the points discussed is:

  1. The release of the new website, and the move to the domain

  2. The publication of MRL-0004, Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol

  3. Monero's design and development goals

Dev Diaries and External Projects will resume being covered from next week. Until then!

Replies: 5
rpietila edited 8 years ago Weight: -616 | Link [ - ]

I am currently listening to this and looks good. It feels that the uptrend cannot be postponed any more so my yesterday post was well-timed, even without having the information about this specific development.

davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Weight: -618 | Link [ - ]

Please everyone mention audio-to-text transcribing sofware you know (whatever platform). It will require additional work (syncing + refining translations) but it will hopefully accelerate translations.

davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Weight: -616 | Link [ - ]

Monero Missive #23

  1. Podcast with community subtitles/summary
  2. On this one: fluffypony and Gingeropoulos
  3. New website
    3.1. Goal: usable by newcomers, glossary (moneropedia)
    3.2. New canonical URL,, like firefox who got
    3.3. Technology used: Markdown, Github, Jekyll
    3.4. Not the "brute force" way à la Wikipedia. Less bazaar, more cathedral
  4. MRL-0004
    4.1. Reminder: difference between unlinkability (stealth addresses) and untraceability (ring signatures)
    4.2. Goal: have any output considered as unspent, irrespective of whether or not they have been unspent. Reason: avoid giving leads which would reduce privacy
    4.3. Removing future dust and dealing with the existing one
    4.4. Minimum mixin of 2 soon and in some years to 4. Hard forks each time. 4.5. Mixin 0 will be phased out over time (with dust)
    4.6. Something about encouraging people to do some cleanup
    4.7. Something else about association by ???? problems (no timer on the podcast, so impossible to see the exact time)
    4.8. Something else about age-based associations
  5. Design goals
    5.1. Some of them will come before the GUI
    5.2. Several libraries: connection to the daemon, consensus, OBC(?) interfaces -- looks like not necessary for GUI but it will make GUI much more usable, including third parties implementations
    5.3. Why now? Because later would be muuuuuuch later
Matthewh3 edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -618 | Link [ - ]

Please improve the audio quality of the podcasts. Get some better mic's and if you must use low bitrates then please look at using HE-AAC v2 aka AAC++ or Ogg Opus codec. Or even Ogg Vorbis sounds OK down to 32kbp/s if properly well encoded. Although the MP3 link did seem to sound better than the HTML5 link. AAC works better than MP3 for the equivalent bitrate below 128kbp/s. Although if you're going for a 128kbp/s bitrate then opensource MP3 encoders are more mature than opensource AAC ones. Sorry for the grumble and thanks for the podcast.

Reply to: Matthewh3
davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Weight: -617 | Link [ - ]

This is already planned.