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Replies of the second kind of style should be more fitting

Here's the context giving screenshot

You can see the reply at the bottom, it is indented and you see clearly it is an answer, also thanks to the string "anon136 > fluffypony", but at the reply above (fluffypony's) there is only the name shown of the person he's answering too. This can create confusion and is inconsistent.

It would be therefore really nice if this is fixed and also maybe the saturation of the 1st reply is a bit lowered. Atm it's too prominent



~~QTK~~sorry, but I had to do it

EDIT: In the preview the "sorry, but I had to do it" appears as superscript, but not in the final post

Replies: 3
Reply to: Eddieh
Quanttek edited 8 years ago Weight: -887 | Link [ - ]

Ok thanks. Would be useful to have it though. Or maybe implement TeX then?

Eddieh edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -888 | Link [ - ]

was never meant to go through in the first place, since this is an HTML tag. The issue has been fixed and should be resolved with the next update.

binaryFate edited 8 years ago Weight: -891 | Link [ - ]

I concur. Additionally, the indentation width could be increased.