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DynDNS like service for OpenAlias

Hey everyone!

Just got started with Monero yesterday and I love the fact that people can have a single public address where money can be sent to privately. The length of the address made it utterly clear to me that OpenAlias should be used by everyone.

So over the coming weeks/months I'll be creating a DynDNS-like service for doing that. It will allow users to pick an OpenAlias address they would like to use and attach their Monero/BTC address to it.

I plan on charging Moneros for the service. I'm thinking 1 XMR per month.

What do you guys think. Would you use such a service? Is the pricing fair? Any other suggestions/ideas?

Replies: 4
antw081 edited 8 years ago Weight: -565 | Link [ - ]

I'll definitely be interested. I'll also be happy to donate some XMR towards getting this services started.

Reply to: davidlatapie
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -569 | Link [ - ]

On the contrary, I think having it as a paid for service is completely essential for two reasons:

  1. It's a convenience service. Users that want it for free have tons of options, and I'm certain there will be plenty of guides (eventually).

  2. It keeps the alias vendor honest. If you're not monetising it then you have incentive to surreptitiously change everyone's address and receive all their payments.

Kazuki edited 8 years ago Weight: -571 | Link [ - ]

Interesting, OpenAlias is one of my favorite features because it open many user-friendly ways to deal with Monero. I think your price is fair but thinking long term you could ask in USD terms (today 1 USD buys 1.7 moneroj) so in an event Monero goes to the moon you can still keep it fair.

davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -571 | Link [ - ]

First, I welcome your initiative.

Second, I'm not sure anyone would pay for this service, even if it is a useful one. I'm not saying it should be free, it is just that making someone to pay for something in crypto is difficult (save ICO). So I wish you luck and, since the goal is a paying service, I anticipate several various attempts on your part, which will help bootstrap profitability.