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Posts by dnaleor

Thread Post Excerpt
Monero support for Trezor <p>This is very important! I'll donate 10 XMR now and when finished I'll donate 90 more :) payment I...
Adding Monero support for Trezor <p>"I sent an email to SatoshiLabs yesterday to see if they would be interested in merging the work...
Adding Monero support for Trezor <p>Monezor sounds awesome indeed. About "trozero"... Maybe "Trezero" ? Could have the meaning of 'tr...
Adding Monero support for Trezor <p>A small question: Would it be possible to create a seperate bootloader for "monezor" so that it r...
Monero scaleability ? <p>I'm far from the best technical guy around here, but recently I was thinking about scaling of Mon...
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>donating 50 as we speak, probably add more in a few months.</p>
Documentation and cleanup of source code <p>donated 50 Money successfully sent, transaction <780e3caa2df0b122273884df31a443449f6f28875e ead5d...
100 USD Monero Party <p>Well, imho it should be more formalized as i"n "you bought a ticket, here is your receipt"</p>
Increasing the block time <p>if the choice is between 2 and 4, i would go for 2. If that is still to fast, we can always doubl...
Mix the mixin <p>Hi guys,</p> <p>I just had this thought:</p> <p>The mixin number is public, and AFAIK even CT w...
Mix the mixin <p>"If you are worried about someone correlating your "odd" mixin amount, simply do not use an odd a...
Linkability issues and how to (maybe) solve them <p>So I was thinking today and came to the conclusion that there are (maybe) some linkability issues...
Linkability issues and how to (maybe) solve them <p>Fluffypony and othe made me aware of the fact that in most cases this won't be an issue anymore o...
Linkability issues and how to (maybe) solve them <p>Oh forgot about the outputs. Indeed, that would mean generally only one output in every transacti...
Linkability issues and how to (maybe) solve them <p>RingCT solves the issue more effectively :)</p>
The official Qt GUI Project <p>Awesome!</p> <p>Syncing client. Will send 337+ XMR tomorrow, making my total 1337.1337 ;)</p>
The official Qt GUI Project <p>Syncing took me a while on my HDD (don't have SSD). Meanwhile 337 would be above the target. Dona...
Monero Bounty Bonds <p>Hi guys,</p> <p>I was reading Shen's recent blogpost about the flaw in ShadowCash. At the bottom...
Monero Bounty Bonds <p>Bounties need to be hold in BTC or fiat: if there is an exploit that can't be fixed, XMR will go...
Monero Bounty Bonds <p>Sidenote: Maybe locking up 0.001 BTC is a bit low. We could for example let people bid with 0.1 B...