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Ratings of leotreasure

Rating Giver Receiver Notes
1 mircea_popescu leotreasure Trader.
1 Polyatomic leotreasure traded via Bitcointalk forum.
4 fanquake leotreasure numerous btc trades over more than a year, also purchased hardware.
8 BitHub leotreasure - another few more trades done with no probs
10 savetheinternet leotreasure trustworthy guy. many smooth large cash by mail and in-person trades
1 smickles leotreasure
1 moneyisdebt leotreasure Bought BTC cash - friendly, good service, real bitcoin fan!
1 endgame-otc leotreasure bought bitcoins from him, smooth and easy transaction
1 Graet leotreasure met irl, helped him with an escrow transaction