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Ratings of leotreasure

Rating Giver Receiver Notes
-1 leotreasure BTCOxygen Very little communication around an investment loan - I had to post scam accusations to get honest communication
4 leotreasure fanquake many smooth trades over the course of over a year and sold hardware
2 leotreasure BitHub sold me a bitcoin, thanks! :)
10 leotreasure mircea_popescu really helpful helping me through major GPG headaches; holds my shares; prompt deposits & withdrawals - very happy customer! :D
10 leotreasure savetheinternet very trustworthy :)
2 leotreasure smickles great guy really helpful and trustworthy
1 leotreasure moneyisdebt met IRL easy trade
1 leotreasure endgame-otc sold bitcoins - he sent $ first, thanks!
2 leotreasure kakobrekla loaned me 60 bitcoins in exchange for transfer of glbse assets.
1 leotreasure Graet met irl, did escrow service for purchase of 25BTC