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Posts by denk0815

Thread Post Excerpt
New to Monero, where to start? <p>Hi Guys I`m new to this forum. I bought my first Monero 2016 and am very satisfied with the cour...
What's your hobby? <p>Sports (weighlifting, mountanbikig, running and frisbee), reading, racedrones, cars (i love my ol...
Dutch translations for 3 projects <p>Sounds great. How can i support you? I am pretty new to this forum - it seems useres here are not...
Should we start a Monero Marketing hub? <p>Hello Astro11</p> <p>_English is not my mother tongue, please excuse my bad grammar. _</p> <p>I...
Justin's Local Meetup Talks Proposal #3 <p>Really cool, thank you very much.</p>