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Ratings of GlooBoy

Rating Giver Receiver Notes
2 GlooBoy mats amazon for btc - they all need to be this easy.
3 GlooBoy ne0futur One of OTCs finest - watched do 100's of trades. and helped 1000's who asked over a 5 year span... it doesn't get any better
5 GlooBoy Sp0tter Multi GiftCard Purchases... Sm. PP for myBTC -- we traded for years
6 GlooBoy tweeeaks ....and it just keeps getting better - Much trust, always smooth - Never a worry.
1 GlooBoy TheButterZone Wardens choice for 2017 Pardon - Long Live the Spammer Revolution.
1 GlooBoy Dizzle Hes a good guy - Always willing to help.
2 GlooBoy EvanR GiftCard for myBTC - Easy Peasy
1 GlooBoy joecool haven't scammed him yet. -- Will update when successful
3 GlooBoy boonies4u Fast Gox / Amazon---> myPP trade
1 GlooBoy Belsage Fast and Easy - myBtc for PPmyCashCard
2 GlooBoy vragnaroda I miss him too..
5 GlooBoy Cusipzzz mySteam - myPP - myCodes -- HellofaGuy..
6 GlooBoy RBecker Many Trades but this rating is for being a great guy - Much Trust
3 GlooBoy pigeons Trusted OTCer - I shipped a item in the mail for btc.
1 GlooBoy Newyorkadam Sm. PPUSD for myGiftCard
5 GlooBoy tweeeaks Much trust, always smooth - Never a worry. myBTC for PPUSD
2 GlooBoy wahbaduck myBTC for PPUSD - Dont foresee any problems with this well rated trader
4 GlooBoy cc1337 Amazon for myBTC - myBTC for PPUSD -- Smooth.
3 GlooBoy HoMM Trusted OTCer and sports shark - myBTC for PPUSD
2 GlooBoy arij LR to BTC and giftcard consignment purchase