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How to contribute to "el00ruobuob: part time for a new quarter (October - December)"

This project is funded with XMR!

In order to contribute to the cause of "el00ruobuob: part time for a new quarter (October - December)" all you have to do is the following:

  1. Have a valid Monero address. If you don't have one, visit our getting started section!

  2. Send the amount of XMR that you wish to contribute to the address:

  3. Make sure that you enter a payment ID of 881488794d84e5e9a49ed21c1eab44978d82ab24b2f9f8ecfa881d35c5a463ad in order for us to be able to assign your contribution to this specific project!

Your contribution should be visible within 5 minutes of you sending your contribution. If for some reason it is not there, please contact a member of the Core Team!