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Assistant for Kovri Project Management

Hey everyone, it's rehrar. Got a proposition for ya.


The following was penned by anonimal:

Your position title for this FFS will be something along the lines of: "Assistant for Kovri Project Management"

You will report to: anonimal

Your work primary will include:

  • Being a self-starter, pro-active sub-project leader, seeing what aspects of the project are not kovri code related and taking an initiative of involvement within those aspects in order to resolve related issues (both existing and future)
    • If you do not have the ability or authority to resolve any of these issues, you will actively seek assistance from the community to resolve said issues. Doing so will benefit us two-fold: a) the issue will be resolved b) while including more/new people into kovri/monero project development
  • Actively monitoring kovri-related or kovri-beneficial meta repo issues, kovri-docs repo issues, and kovri-site repo issues while ensuring that all steps are taken toward resolving said issues
    • Progress monitoring of aforementioned issues will be reported to anonimal on a regular basis. Reports will include the measures taken or needed to be taken in order to lead to issue resolution
  • Site development
    • Continues development on the website, even if all errors and issues are resolved; always asking, "how can this look better, feel better, and be more functional - all while promoting kovri to its fullest"
    • /r/Kovri design moderation and upkeep
  • Translation team manager
    • Ensuring that the existing translation team, as well as future members, are kept up to date on English changes/updates
  • Collaboration
    • Working with everyone on the kovri team to resolve any of the aforementioned issues

Your work secondary will include:

  • Marketing
    • Kovri promotions including setting up/arranging interviews/podcast/webcasts
    • Ensuring an up-to-date press-kit
    • Public awareness and education
    • Developer outreach

We would need you for a minimum of 40 hours a month, minimum of 3 months.

There are plenty of open issues to resolve, and I know of more to come.

Here is an example of a very small list of github recorded things I would have liked to hand off (NO REGRETS! I enjoyed the work very much. These are examples none-the-less):




As stated,, I'm rehrar. I redesigned the official website, as well as the website from its old design. I have a passion for Kovri, and, honestly, it's the reason I believe so strongly in the Monero Project.

Why should I be hired? Well, if you don't mind me telling a little story. My wife is from Russia. She lives in the USA with me but her family is still there. It seems like every day we're reading about more and more freedoms that the Russian government is taking away from their people. Even meeting peacefully to talk about stopping corruption people are getting arrested and fined. They've even recently passed laws to ban Tor and VPNs.

We worry constantly. What will they take away next? When might it become too dangerous to visit? And Russia isn't even the worst offender when it comes to stuff like this. It's all over the world.

I want to help Kovri because I believe in what it stands for. It gives people a voice. It gives people freedom. It gives people hope. Are these lofty aspirations for a little C++ I2P router? Maybe, but I'm willing to give it all I got. For my family, and for oppressed people everywhere.

Proposal & Milestones

40 hours a month, for three months, 0.35 XMR/hr for a total of 42 XMR. Milestones once a month. If we get this going ASAP I can give 20 hours for the remainder of the month of September too, bringing the total XMR to 49 for 3 and a half months.

If this goes well and everyone involved is happy with my work, we can continue. I will keep track of my hours and update the community via Kovri dev meetings on what I've been up to. My weekly tasks will be jointly decided on by anonimal and I.

Hope to lend my talents here.


Replies: 13
rehrar posted 7 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

3rd Milestone done!

This month was a bit of a strange and disappointing one. I spent roughly 53 hours (don't worry, the 13 are freely given) on developer outreach. This includes:

  • Speaking to three different school CS departments and sending messages to six different clubs. I had some fairly positive response, but ultimately I think I contacted them too late in the semester, and people were too busy getting ready for its end. I did however build some good bridges in these places, and am in talks with several people for this upcoming semester. I've sent follow up emails to everyone who responded, and plan to do so once again at the start of January.

  • Research into different Open Source communities that exist in real life (locally) or online. I've looked into whether or not contacting them is worth it, and have made a post in /r/opensource, and have worked up a personalized message for for potentially being a guest article writer.

  • Both due to my efforts and even without them, several new and interested developers have come by the #kovri-dev chat, and I've taken great time and care to get them situated, and help them get started.

  • A couple meetings in real life with a few developers (veteran and new) to get them involved in the project. Results are varying.

  • Collaboration with anonimal on copy and other things, as well as some random web work (which has taken a backseat for dev outreach).

I think I've laid some good groundwork to hopefully get some new developers, and even if many of them don't show up and help, at least they know of our existence and vision. The more the word of Kovri gets out there, the better. :) Thanks everyone!

Reply to: rehrar
anonimal posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Approved. In addition, you've also done a tremendous amount of IRC collaboration (both public and private) as well as kovri-docs repo help.

rehrar edited 7 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

2nd Milestone done!

  • Worked on the Kovri site revamp, which you can view progress on here. It's almost ready to rumble. Just some tweaks, and need to add a blog. But looking pretty good.

  • Translation work for the Russian Kovri BTC article.

  • Kovri-docs bumping. Funnest part of the job, for sure.

  • Approached local university and had a meeting with the CS department head about getting some students involved in Monero/Kovri. Good progress, and sent messages to several clubs and another nearby university. Should hopefully see some movement on this in the next month.

  • Worked on check.kovri.i2p and made a custom little thingy for it.

  • Got OAuth access for the Kovri twitter, and learned a few new technologies that are probably old to veterans like yourselves (like bitlbee). Hopefully my next tweet will be about the launched new site.

This upcoming month, going to finish and get the new site reviewed, and track down some more Kovri developers.

Reply to: rehrar
anonimal posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Fantastic work, rehrar. Always giving 110%. I don't think the effort you've expended toward public-relations can be adequately quantified in this milestone report. Thanks again.

rehrar edited 7 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

1st Milestone done!

Hey people, so this got funded halfway through September, so I was working pro rata (i.e. 20 hours for September). I'll be going the full 40 starting this month. What'd I do? Let's take a look:

  • Learned the ins and outs of the Kovri-docs, kovri-site, and kovri repos and how they integrate with each other, especially regarding kovri-docs, and learned how to bump docs in all repos. Bumping the docs is now my job.
  • Worked on restructuring of the Kovri site, including reblocking current site, restructuring pages, moving docs to a different area, and testing of ideas in Jekyll to see if the ideas would work (they will). You can see the proposed revamp here.
  • Took this Kovri article from BTC Manager and translated it into Spanish, and began Russian translation. Contacted BTC Manager as to how they would allow us to share the translated article (they'll let us post it wherever as long as we link back to the original article).
  • Some git learning odds and ends with MorocconMalinois and anonimal.
  • Editing of some of the FAQ docs page

I also spent several hours resolving a git bug that I somehow managed to do, which turned out to be easier to nuke everything and start over. I'm not charging for those hours because I probably caused it all from my numerous errors somewhere, but hey, I'm smarter for it now.

Onward to the next month. Kovri site revamp, more bumping, finish Russian translation, and a Press Kit!

Reply to: rehrar
anonimal posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks rehrar. You've also done kovri-related collaborative work with the team in #monero-translations.

MoroccanMalinois edited 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks rehrar

serhack posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I will donate you some XMR. Thanks for your work

anonimal edited 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

rehrar has proved himself to be a reliable and dedicated contributor. His initiatives have been beneficial to all monero projects and he should be given the opportunity to continue expanding his work into Kovri.

This proposal is important not only because of the work that will be produced but because it's becoming too expensive for the community to have me produce said work (the aforementioned, non-site-related, objectives). I'm more than happy to continue doing the work but the community will actually save money by funding this proposal instead.

Note: rehrar would not be my PA (that I would pay out-of-pocket for): this proposal is for him as an individual contributor to the Kovri project.

antw081 posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Will donated.

David_of_Doncaster posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Will donate. All for this

fluffypony posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Donated 10 XMR from the general donation fund

rehrar posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

4th Milestone done!

Heya everyone, so this last milestone is complete. Let's see what I did, yeah?

  • First and foremost, I spent hours and hours and hours putting multi-language capabilities into the official website. These aren't Kovri hours in and of themselves, except for the fact that a good chunk of those hours were spent optimizing Kovri's current multi-language implementation. The current implementation requires a LOT of overhead from me in terms of adding new languages and keeping them updated, this was feasible for Kovri site, but not feasible for both Kovri and Monero site (especially because of the scope of the latter). These optimizations have been ported to the Kovri site, and will result in an easier translation experience for all on both platforms, the README is being updated accordingly. Those hours, are counted.
  • Some work with ajs regarding FFS formalization, which has effects on both Kovri and Monero.
  • Continued work on the website. I've undergone several iterations of copy, added blog capabilities, had to work on reinvention of the documentation pages, more updates for more things to be localized, and more. We're nearing completion, and should be entering the final testing stages (ALL of the browsers and OS's) in the next two days.
  • A couple small meetings and 'almost-meetings' with anonimal and the Kovri Krowd.

That's it. If anyone has any questions, let me know.