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A continuation for all purpose programming of what needs to[...]

I have now finished the second to last milestone in my current contract. I'd originally committed to a short enough time in case it wouldn't work out well, but I think this has worked quite well, so I'm proposing a new contract to follow as soon as the last milestone is done. I have had several requests about applying for an extension, so I think some people at least are keen to see that happening :)

This extension will be a pretty similar deal, but for a longer time period: a set amount of time spent working on monero. I will up the price a bit (both because it's been taking so much of my free time, and because the price of monero has gone down since then), and I will commit to more time in total, with the same average weekly time target. Even though I consistently managed at least equal to the target 10 hours a week so far, this may or may not continue.

I propose the following:

  • 450 hours spent working on monero (previous was 260)
  • A guideline of about 10 hours a week, as previously, but this is only indicative
  • 40 monero per hour (previous was 30, but monero was also valued about a quarter higher in fiat terms)
  • 10 milestones, at regular 45 hours intervals (previous was 6 every 45)
  • so a total of 18000 monero (previous was 7800)

To be started as milestones get funded. There's a 12.92 leftover in the previous fund, it can probably be used to seed this one.

Replies: 48
moneromooo posted 8 years ago Weight: -98 | Link [ + ]

Thank you very much everyone, and.... wow ArticMine!

I'm fast approaching the end of the previous agreement, and will get started on this one right after it. I'll post the updates in this thread too.


drfred posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

just sent some too :) thx moo!

nioc posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

Donation sent. Thank you mooooooooooooo!!

leotreasure posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

I contributed an hour. Thanks for helping privacy/fungibility!

aerbax posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

Donation sent.

ArticMine posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]


smooth edited 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

MoneroHouse from CryptoKingdom has donated 1000

EDIT: Thanks to the late Marquess of Arda (aka 'pa') whose estate has made this donation possible.

RaskaRuby posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]

Donated 100 XMR. Thanks moneromooo!

rocco posted 8 years ago Weight: -109 | Link [ + ]

will support this too. last deal was well worth the money and this one will be too.

antw081 posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -110 | Link [ + ]

Yeah, lets get this moved to the funding section. I want to donate!

Reply to: antw081
antw081 posted 8 years ago Weight: -99 | Link [ + ]


Lloydimiller4 posted 8 years ago Weight: -113 | Link [ + ]

It looks like everyone is willing to support this project, when can we get it moved to the funding required sub?

mountainman posted 8 years ago Weight: -117 | Link [ + ]

will support this with XMR

dEBRUYNE posted 8 years ago Weight: -119 | Link [ + ]

Supporting this as well.

Hueristic posted 8 years ago Weight: -119 | Link [ + ]

I'm impressed with MMoo's work and really like to see him continue. That being said I have a question about this. "but monero was also valued about a quarter higher in fiat terms" I thought the price was steady v/s fiat. It's BTC that has been bubbled. Not that that matters as 40 XMR for a competent developer is a good deal. But I thought I'd ask about this.

BTW I would like to see Mmooo to help community members like Smoothie that are working without compensation.

luuul posted 8 years ago Weight: -119 | Link [ + ]

Sounds good! Let's fund this!