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Promotional Video: What is Monero

> What - describe the idea and how you plan to develop it

We want to create a nice animated video about what is Monero. We believe it is one of the greatest tools to spread the word, and it will eliminate misunderstandings among new and/or potential users.

> Who - who are you? Why do you think you can develop it, and why should the Monero community believe you can?

I'm a web/motion designer, and my wife is an illustrator. We created video for ETC lately.

(I'm not a native speaker, so I'll also provide "voiceless" version, which everyone can voice, I can provide russian one).

And here's some sketches:

> Why - Why do you want to develop this?

We are into blockchain tech, and we do believe that spreading the word could help us reach the global revolution faster. Our major income during the last few years is crypto-based.

**> The Proposal and Milestones ** We believe it makes to break the project down in milestones as such:

  1. Script (basically what voice over says)
  2. Storyboard
  3. Animation + Music (yes, we do original music :) )

Please, feel free to comment. We hope to bring in value to the community,

Andy and Stacy

Replies: 4
MataRi_098 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

i do like your idea :)

el_ruobuob posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Isn't it redundant with the actual monero video from

MalMen posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I actualy like the idia, do you have matured the idea ? what are you thinking in ask to do this ?

savandra posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Yes, we are drawing storyboard at the moment. I'll upload it when it's done :)