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Monero Supernode Funding - Brazil - 1 year, $110

20160620 Update!

I have a node running in india, which can now be seen on the map. I have also setup a pool on the node, which can be accessed at (thanks to moneromooo for the brilliant name idea). The pool is unique in that the payout threshold is relatively high compared to other pools.

The node is extremely lightweight, and its a testament to monero core developers how well everything can run on minimal resources. This is running on a 10$ / month digital ocean droplet, with 1 GB ram, 1 cpu, 30 GB SSD, and 2 TB transfer. Its also running the pool software and an i2p instance. I will eventually create the i2p bridge and try to get mwo12's block explorer running.

I got this node for free by using some promo code, but it will eventually need to be funded. We can keep a node in india going for 10$ a month!

The Problem - Monero needs more nodes, because more nodes are good (right?).

The solution - put up Monero nodes all over the world. For a good list of "exotic" vps providers, check out this link.

Critiques - putting nodes in data centers isn't really in the spirit of a homegrown cryptocurrency and even I have railed against hosting nodes in datacenters.

Critique rebuttal - who cares, everyone does it.

My Proposal

I will manage what I call a supernodes wherever I can find a great price and hosted wherever there's a gap on the node map:

Why do I call it a supernode? Because it will run the following:

  1. Monero core with its rpc port open (for remote wallet access, add it to dns entry) and its p2p ports (obviously) open
  2. Monero pool with 100% of the fee going to Monero core development
  3. i2p daemon with tunnels open for a bridge node (see for explanation of bridge nodes)
  4. moneroexamples onion blockexplorer if I can ever get it to compile
  5. monero testnet node

Truth be told, 3 and 5 may put a bit of stress on a 1 core VPS with barely a gig of ram. And due to the current design of Monero, running 1 and 2 will require 2 instances of Monero (due to the restricted rpc being necessary for remote wallets, but the pool needs an open rpc for mining). I have no idea what the load of 4 is because I've never run it, but we might as well try and find out.

Current spots for map gaps


or amazon

One keeps popping up on Brazil. I wish I could find a good VPS provider in Venezuela.

in brazil, hosted at

The specs are -

CPU 1 Core
RAM 768 MB
Bandwidth   1000 GB

For a lot more $$$, we can get more cpus etc.

The good thing is they take bitcoin, so it will be paid via !!

Replies: 7
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

another good one, costa rica, a bit more expensive -

comes out to $300 a year.

it should also be mentioned that I'd be managing these servers for free.

Reply to: Gingeropolous
tewinget posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

For $10/mo you can get that same server as the $20/mo in costa rica but with 30GB SSD instead of 10GB from digital ocean. Possibly cheaper elsewhere, I haven't done a whole lot of research into VPS providers.

Gingeropolous edited 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

india, though these limits could get unwieldy


this map is useful:

this exercise definitely helps put a price on outreach efforts!

jwinterm posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Even $110 seems a bit pricey, and $300...ouch.

Does it make more sense to just use Amazon coupons like this:

You could run a small instance for a year for $100 credit (bought for $10) and hosted on instances in regions spread around the world. Just a thought.

Reply to: jwinterm
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

good call. i was just looking for the most "exotic" providers. didn't cross my mind that amazon had datacenters in "exotic" locales.

this option makes sense.

Shrikez posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hi, this is a good idea However I wonder about the pricing a little.

I am running my Monero Node on a 36 Euro pa VPS, hosted at a very reputable professional provider.

Service: Xenpower VPS X1G

2 Core CPU 1024MB RAM 120GB Hard Disk 1 IPv4, 2 IPv6 IP addresses 2000 GB Dedicated internet bandwidth per month Linux OS debian, ubuntu or centos Distribution SolusVM Control Panel XEN PV Virtualization Self Managed Type Milano, Italy

uptime without intervention has been 69 days so far.

If anyone feels like helping a server newbie a little I would gladly run all the stuff you mentioned above as well.

Reply to: Shrikez
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Can you point me to the source code / how to for setting up that stats page?

I can help you set up a mining pool in return. I still haven't figured out the block explorer.