You don't need your redundant array. Your machine is out of storage. You should create one partition across your disks and try again.
Insufficient free space to extend database
Hello sirs/madams
Am very new to this please so don't mind my question. Am using a 2 Intel Xeon Cores, 2GB DDR4 Dedicated RAM, 30GB RAID 10 SSD Storage and 2TB High Speed Bandwidth Linux server to setup my mining pool. I found the above error but am struggling to solve it. I was thinking that if i can locate where this file src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp is, that must be where is resize the db size. screenshot
- i cant find that file on my server
- is it where i need to resize or can you good people point me in the right direction. 3 am on ubuntu 14.04 64 bits