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Monero has yet to arrive in my wallet.

Monero Wallet Works

It's been several days since I sent Monero from Poloniex to the Monero wallet shown.

These are two separate programs that I have assumed need to run simultaneously.

The command line box goes this far and though the cursor blinks, I cannot input anything.

Do I just need to wait or is there something that I'm not doing right?

The number of blocks remaining has changed once while I have made several attempts at restarting both of these programs.

Assume that I am a total newbie when you answer because I haven't hardly got a notion as to what is going on.

Replies: 21
mohi11 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

good news.your question is same as mine. tnx for any useful responses.

DoctorCarlo1955 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

@gwendolyn: I'll give that a try.

Reply to: DoctorCarlo1955
gwendolyn edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

@DoctorCarlo1955 Have you tried the solution suggested here?

DoctorCarlo1955 edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

@gwendolyn: On another forum, I was advised to use the GUI wallet on Linux; then they would be able to help me. I've gone to the trouble of installing Linux Manjaro in a dual boot on my Windows 7 computer and finally got the GUI wallet to run. However, in less than ten minutes, it stopped counting down. So, I'll be back at the other forums trying to get more help. I just find it hard to believe that Monero is being this difficult to work with; I have bought and transferred nine other crypto-currencies and I encountered zero hang-ups with them. I almost wish that I hadn't begun with Monero in the first place. But I have to get it into my wallet or else I'll never get it.

gwendolyn posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'm having a similar problem. Is it really the case that there is no actual support for the GUI wallet? We're left to post here and get no response, weeks after losing our monero??

DoctorCarlo1955 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Latest update: It's been five weeks since I sent my Moneroj from Poloniex to my GUI wallet. The "Blocks Remaining" has counted down four times, each time for less than twenty minutes. The other fifty-plus times I have opened my GUI wallet, the "Blocks Remaining" has risen from what it read the last time that I opened it. I have changed the block size from the default 200 to 20 and I have changed the daemon address to, leaving the port at 18081. But I cannot tie any of these changes directly to any occasion of the blocks counting down. And not one fraction of my Moneroj has shown up in my GUI wallet. About half-way through all of this, the daemon started to work from the GUI wallet and I have not had to run monerod.exe manually. What do I need to do to get all the blocks?

DoctorCarlo1955 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ] Wallet 12.jpg Wallet 12a.jpg

I have observed that when my daemon displays as in the above picture, it was actively counting-down the "Blocks Remaining" on my GUI Wallet.

Now it still displays as shown with the "Blocks Remaining" standing still, yet still "Synchronizing".

What can I do to get my "Blocks Remaining" to count-down?

DoctorCarlo1955 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

![Screen Shot]( Wallet 11.jpg "Screen Shot") The GUI wallet now says that it is connected but not synchronizing and still 0.00 balance. I got the line-command wallet to load 94717 blocks. But it seems to have stopped doing anything. I attempted to refresh it to no avail. I'm going to restart everything to see what happens.

DoctorCarlo1955 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Once again, my "Blocks Remaining" has come to a standstill, even though the Wallet GUI says it's synchronizing. And here is the latest from the daemon:

←[0m 2017-07-25 16:44:16.798 [P2P6] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:293 [ OUT] Sync data returned a new top block candidate: 202154 → 1362286 [Your node is 1160132 blocks <1049 days> behind]


2017-07-25 16:44:47.123 [P2P6] ERROR blockchain
src/cryptonote_core/blockchain.cpp:3383 Error adding block with hash: <6f0dca866420b58864282e662d39cd298543103d6f6e7013f8996befa8da647e> to blockchain, what = Error adding spent key image to db transaction: MDB_CORRUPTED: Located page was wrong type

2017-07-25 16:44:02.491 [P2P6] WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:71 Failed to query m_blocks: MDB_BAD_TXN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid

2017-07-25 16:45:02.491 [P2P6] WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:71 DB error attempting to fetch block index from hashMDB_BAD_TXN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid

2017-07-25 16:45:08.156 [P2P6] WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:71 DB error attempting to fetch block index from hashMDB_BAD_TXN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid

2017-07-25 16:45:16.188 [P2P6] WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:71 Failed to query m_blocks: MDB_BAD_TXN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid

Error messages similar to the above kept coming while my "Blocks Remaining" were counting down as in my last report.

I can only assume that these are not fatal errors, but just temporary.

I have tried restarting the daemon several times and also just left it alone for hours on end.

I would really appreciate a response from someone in-the-know.

DoctorCarlo1955 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Good news! I just kept saving and exiting the daemon a few times. Then I happened to check the Wallet GUI and it was not only synchronizing (which it has claiming to do for quite some time), but the "Blocks Remaining" were counting down at a rather fearsome pace. Meanwhile, the daemon keeps repeating at times: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid. I don't dare touch either the daemon or the Wallet. It looks as though I am on my way to receiving my Moneroj... which is a very good thing as the amount is rather sizable. Now I need to look into a cold wallet to get my Moneroj completely off-line. That'll entail another transfer and a fee, which doesn't matter.

DoctorCarlo1955 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I have found from Steve1943: Add --data-dir "path/to/blockchain" to the launch command. Here is an example for Windows: monerod.exe --data-dir "D:\My Documents\bitmonero"

This addresses the problem of the daemon downloading the blockchain onto the C:\ drive and allows one to download the data elsewhere.

My problem is that I do not know how to access the launch command. Apparently this is something very basic; but I still have no idea as to where to begin.

DoctorCarlo1955 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I am using Windows 7 64-bit Professional on an AMD FX-8120 eight-core CPU, 16GB RAM, 120GB SSD dedicated solely to the operating system. Anything that I store, goes on an external 3TB hard drive.

DoctorCarlo1955 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Additional Note: Re: Item #3 (See below). Apparently, the newer GUI (monero-gui-win-x64-v0.10.3.1) does work. So I have that up and running. Well, "running" is relative as nothing ever changes on it. Only when I start it, does the "Blocks Remaining" show a different (and higher) number.

Moneromooo said, "If the GUI is stuck, check the messages (in the settings page IIRC for any errors)...exit the GUI, edit the config file (I think it's somewhere in ~/.config/monero-core or thereabouts), and switch the testnet setting to 0, restart GUI." This is from a week ago, so I can only assume that it is valid for the GUI that I have. However, I do not know how to do a single thing in this quote.

DoctorCarlo1955 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

The basic facts as I see them:

  1. I sent Monero from Poloniex to my GUI wallet address.

  2. In order for the wallet to function, the daemon needs to be running as it does the work of relaying information from the Internet. However, I do not know whether the daemon is stuck or is working. Its last line states: 'Failed to query m_blocks: MDB_BAD_TXN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid'.

  3. [See later comment directly above.]

  4. The command line wallet is supposed to work but I am unable to get it to switch to my created wallet as it will not accept the command (./monero-wallet-cli --restore-deterministic-wallet); it says that it is an unknown command.

  5. All I want to do is verify that my Monero is in my wallet and then I will transfer it to Poloniex for storage that will not be as troublesome.

DoctorCarlo1955 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Today's first entry: Now when I try to run monero-wallet-cli, I get as far as choosing a language when a line in red pops up and the window closes before I can read the line.

So I am stuck with just the daemon operating, which reads:

The daemon will start synchronizing with the network. It may take up to several hours.

<-[0m 2017-07-19 12:23:47.811 [P2P7] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptono te_protocol_handler.inl:293 [ OUT] Sync data returned a n ew top block candidate:202154 → 1357828 [Your node is 1155674 blocks <1043 day s>behind]


2017-07-19 12:24:15.570 [P2P7] ERROR blockchain src/cryptonote_core/bloc kchain.cpp:3383 Error adding block with hash: <6f0dca866420b58864282e662d39cd298 543103d6f6e7013f8996befa8da647e> to blockchain, what = Error adding spent key im age to db transaction: MDB_CORRUPTED: Located page was wrong type

2017-07-19 12:24:15.570 [P2P7] WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockshain_d b/lmdb/db.cpp:71 Failed to query m_blocks: MDB_BAD_TKN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid

2017-07-19 12:24:44.624 [P2P7] WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_d b/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:71 Failed to query m_blocks: MDB_BAD_TKN: Transaction must abort, has a child, or is invalid

My latest task was to disable my private internet access program. Now I am getting a lot more activity on the daemon but it does seem to be just repeating the last two paragraphs.