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Mining issue on Linux

Hi all,

I have decided to install a full Monero node on one of my Ubuntu servers.

I am on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I have installed the monero-v0.10.3.1 app.

The sync is now done and I would like to activate the background mining. I run the miners node using :

./monerod --detach --start-mining --mining-threads 2 --bg-mining-enable --bg-mining-ignore-battery

but it seems there is an issue... what kind of triggers the daemon is waiting for ?

2017-05-20 17:39:57.313 7f3c6b7fe700 INFO global src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp:401 Miner thread was started [0]

2017-05-20 17:39:57.313 7f3c6bfff700 INFO global src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp:401 Miner thread was started [1]

2017-05-20 17:39:57.714 [miner 0] INFO global src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp:421 background mining is enabled, but not started, waiting until start triggers

2017-05-20 17:39:57.714 [miner 1] INFO global src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp:421 background mining is enabled, but not started, waiting until start triggers

2017-05-20 17:40:07.314 7f3c6affd700 ERROR miner src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp:829 Couldn't find battery/power status file, can't determine if plugged in!

2017-05-20 17:40:17.314 7f3c6affd700 ERROR miner src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp:829 Couldn't find battery/power status file, can't determine if plugged in!

(error message repeated endlessly)

Thanks for your help !

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