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Daemon is not compatible with GUI?

Hi Monero community,

I've got an issue with the Monero Core GUI and I hope one of you can help me. I did following steps:

  1. Downloaded the Monero Core GUI Beta 1/Windows 64 bit version on
  2. Opened the zip file and unpacked in a folder
  3. Started the file monero-wallet-gui.exe
  4. Took the option "Create a new wallet"
  5. Gave my new wallet a name, wrote down my 25 word mnemonic seed and gave them a wallet password
  6. I get a message "Daemon doesn't appear to be running"and pushed the "Start daemon" button
  7. "Waiting for Daemon start

But now I get an error message like "Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI. Please upgrade or connect to another daemon" and the network status is "Wrong version".

Is there anything what I missed? Could someone of you explain me why this happens and is there any solution for that?



Replies: 1
gundamlancer posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Can you close the GUI wallet, then try running first the monerod.exe (its the daemon). It should be on the same directory as the monero-wallet-gui.exe