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GUI Issues

This GUI is pretty but it keeps taking me offline. I've been syncing for like 30 hours now, and half the time my computer can't connect to the internet. Whats goin on here? Also, are the transaction IDs critical to depositing moneros? I didn't include the transaction ID in my first purchase of monero on so.. not sure if I messed that up. Also wondering about the issue of receiving moneros before the blockchain is up to date. Did I mess up that transaction somehow? Thanks

Replies: 2
monerok posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

which OS system are you currently using?

apecks posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I've had this happen when the GUI client is downloading and also retransmitting (uploading) the blockchain to other peers at very high speeds. Basically it will utilize all bandwidth available until none remains for other services (browsing the web for example).

You can probably fix this by limiting the download and upload of the monero daemon.

In the GUI client you would go to Settings->Daemon startup flags and use values like this:

--limit-rate-up=100 --limit-rate-down=1000

That sets upload rate to 100KB/sec and download rate to 1000KB/sec.

Stop and then start the daemon via the GUI client for the changes to take effect and also tweak those values to be no more than say 80% of your available bandwidth in order to still have decent internet access while syncing.