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monerod crashes everytime I try to run on mac. Help Plz

2011 imac 3.4 GHz i7 running OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.5

folder downloaded to desktop using tor browser

Ive tried twice now to run monerod but it has failed both times. This is the code from the last try.

... 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.876345 Attempt to get block from height 691805 failed -- block not in db 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.879135 ERROR /DISTRIBUTION-BUILD/src/daemon/daemon.cpp:144 Uncaught exception! Attempt to get block from height 691805 failed -- block not in db 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.879188 Deinitializing rpc server... 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.880637 Deinitializing p2p... 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.882046 Deinitializing core... 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.884409 Stopping cryptonote protocol... 2017-Feb-20 09:57:02.884458 Cryptonote protocol stopped successfully logout

[Process completed]

I'm going to try deleting desktop folders, deleting .bitmonero folder under my username and trying one last time... Can anyone tell that I'm doing something wrong?

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