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Restore from wallet.bin.keys

Hi. I have a few wallets in active use that were created before mnemonic seeds were implemented in simplewallet. These wallets were created in Windows and I want to use them in Linux now.

I assume the Windows wallet.bin file will not open in Linux. I have the bin.keys files, but simplewallet doesn't seem to have a command to restore from the keys file. Is this right? Is my best option now to create new wallets with seed words and transfer the money there?

Replies: 1
robricc posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'll answer my own question. This assumes your wallet is named wallet.bin and your keys file is wallet.bin.keys.

You just have to put wallet.bin.keys in the same directory as simplewallet. When you start simplewallet and name a new wallet, name it the same thing as wallet.bin.keys, but without the.keys extension. Simplewallet will then restore your wallet from the .keys file.