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Useful Monero related tools

I'm going to start this thread as a precursor for additions to the official website section.

Monero tools

These tools can be used to gain information about the Monero network or your transaction data in the blockchain.

Check that a recipient has received your funds

Tools for monero address generation

Monero node count

Monero node map

Monero offline wallet generator

Monero network mixin statistics

Developer tools (?)

Submit hash of file to blockchain. Could be used similar to blocksign or proof of existence if anyone hosts it

PHP Payment thing

python-json-rpc examples

random information

Some question for the devs: What hash functions does Monero use for computing tx ids and key images?

The txids use keccak. The key images computed by hashing the tx public key using keccak to get a curve point*, then multiplying by the private key.

  • Using some crypto that is beyond my comprehension. See ge_fromfe_frombytes_vartime in crypto-ops.c

Thanks! You are referring to plain Keccak and not CryptoNight, right?

Yes cn_fast_hash which calls keccak1600. CryptoNight is cn_slow_hash

Thanks. BTW, hash length seems to be 256 bits for both.

Replies: 15
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -176 | Link [ - ]

need to add this to the check your transaction was recieved thing:

For this to work, you'll first need to run in simplewallet the command set store-tx-keys 1 After that, you'll be able to get the private key of individual transactions by running the command get_tx_key With that key and the URL above, you can prove that your XMRs have been sent to the recipient.

from osensei on reddit. Would also be awesome if in general that code was put into simplewallet.

luigii, have you hosted that code anywhere else?

Reply to: Gingeropolous
luigi1111 edited 8 years ago Weight: -169 | Link [ - ]

I don't understand what you are asking.

Edit: unrelated, but I think just putting a hash of whatever you want to prove as a payment ID of any random transaction is far better than generating a private key with it.

Molpitus edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -187 | Link [ - ] They are showing the nodes connected to their pool, I believe, not all M nodes.

Reply to: Molpitus
osensei edited 8 years ago Weight: -182 | Link [ - ]

Nope, that's not the case. I operate I'm getting the entire peer list from the daemon (not just the ones that the daemon is connected to) and making a connection attempt to each one of them every hour, if it works, then it's added to the map and to the count.

The daemon returns two lists of peers, the white and the gray. I'm not sure what's the concept behind their names, as they have even been switched on this commit from May 28th. But the case is that the gray list seems to show the most recent and working nodes (hence I would call it "white"), and the other one seems to accumulate all the other peers that have ever been seen.

Right now the node I'm using for this (which is pretty up to date with master, and is not the one I'm using for the pool - that one is on latest stable release) has 788 peers in the gray list and 4996 on the white. From those on the white list there are only 2 or 3 that may be accepting connections on the port specified, but I'm not checking that list because to me it seemed like a waste of work to make ~5k connection attempts every hour to only get 2 or 3 working, which I'm not even sure they are monero nodes, as that list goes back as peers seen for the last time 390 days ago. So I'm checking only the peers on the gray list.

Reply to: Molpitus
nioc posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -187 | Link [ - ]

Right now they have 95 nodes listed and 13 miners so I don't think what you say is correct. Also you don't need a node running in order to mine.

However when I ran my node for 10 hrs it did not show up on their list of nodes so.......

Reply to: nioc Molpitus
Molpitus posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -187 | Link [ - ]

I have 2 full nodes running, without miner, and they do not show up in the map. That's why I concluded this. On the other hand, they might use bitmonerod to obtain this list and I'm not sure if the peer list in this app contains all nodes of the network.

Reply to: Molpitus nioc Molpitus
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -187 | Link [ - ]

make sure you have a clear path to the internet. For a while I thought I did because I had port forwarding set up on my router, but it turned out my cable modem ALSO had a firewall.

Also, I don't know how often monerohash updates their stats, so 10 hours might not be enough. And furthermore, both the i2p and the monerohash seem to only list nodes with > 70% uptime

Reply to: Gingeropolous Molpitus nioc Molpitus
Molpitus posted 8 years ago Weight: -183 | Link [ - ]

"make sure you have a clear path to the internet. For a while I thought I did because I had port forwarding set up on my router, but it turned out my cable modem ALSO had a firewall."

That might be the point! I'll check that. Thanks.

Reply to: Gingeropolous Molpitus nioc Molpitus
nioc edited 8 years ago Weight: -186 | Link [ - ]

Monerohash seems to update about every hour. The # of nodes with >70% uptime listed by i2p is very close to the # of nodes listed by monerohash.

This assumes the monkey infuriator function is not broken!

luigi1111 edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -197 | Link [ - ]

If anything is funky/not working as expected with those pages, please let me know. You can also save the webpage and use it offline (or at least locally in case the online version got compromised).

Edit: when I posted this only my pages were up ( I am not affiliated with the other pages.

Reply to: luigi1111
opennux posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -194 | Link [ - ]

@luigi1111 I'm not exactly a css wizard but I will give it a try in spiffying it up a bit.

Reply to: opennux luigi1111
luigi1111 posted 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -193 | Link [ - ]

Sweet. If you want to submit new HTML (+separate CSS if you need/want) I can update it. :)

Reply to: luigi1111 opennux luigi1111
opennux posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -180 | Link [ - ]

It's coming along (will have it finished this weekend). Where should I send it? Just e-mail? - PS. You'd need to look through the code again!

Reply to: opennux luigi1111 opennux luigi1111
luigi1111 posted 8 years ago Weight: -179 | Link [ - ]

Are you on freenode? We could live chat about it. Otherwise PM me here or on BCT and we'll get it figured out. I figured I'd go through it and check the code; probably won't be a big deal to reconcile.

Reply to: luigi1111 opennux luigi1111
opennux posted 8 years ago Weight: -190 | Link [ - ]

Thanks. Just give me a few days. There's a few other pressing items first.