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Dutch translations: Kovri docs, Monerujo and the Monero webs[...]


I'd like to request your support for translating the website, the Android app Monerujo and the most relevant parts of the website into Dutch.


My name is Edwin den Boer; I’m known as /u/edbwtf on Reddit, @edbwt on Twitter, @edb on Steem, and ProkhorZ on Github and StackExchange. See also my profile on for my experience as a professional translator.

Although nothing happened with my previous request, I kept working on translations from English to Dutch. I translated 3 updates of the GUI for free. I wrote a guide with tips for other translators, based on 16 years of experience as a freelance translator specializing in software localization (finished). The guide gives tips about topics like consistency, context, where to find reference sources and how to deal with special types of text. Last year, I created an Esperanto word list for mnemonic seeds. And I maintain a list of Monero-related Twitter accounts.


Dutch is an economically important language, which currently lacks reliable information about Monero and Kovri. Dutch-speaking community members tend to write about Monero in English, but for wider adoption, we need to address people in their native language. And for the same reason, we need to translate a user-friendly mobile app on the most popular platform.

This has been discussed more extensively on Reddit. See also the excerpts from the Community Meeting in the comments below.

I'm detail-oriented and have already suggested improvements in the source text (e.g., reported dead links on the Kovri site). I will discuss terminology with other Dutch users and I'll work with ErCiccione to improve terminology sharing.


I'm requesting funding for the following projects, based on a modest rate of 1 XMR per 8 hours:

  • 2 XMR for translating kovri-docs and kovri-site (~4000 words, halfway; more technical than the other translations).
  • 2 XMR for translating Monerujo (~4000 words).
  • 2 XMR for translating part of monero-site: en.yml (~5000 translatable words).
  • 4 XMR for translating part of monero-site: user_guides (~9000 translatable words).

Although the Monero website is the most important part, it's planned to be translated last because of the volume.

The language variant is Standard Dutch, using the official spelling, vocabulary from the Netherlands in rare cases where it's different from Flemish or Belgian Dutch, but retaining conservative grammar like the three-gender system as used in southern dialects.

Total amount requested: 10 XMR


MILESTONE 1 for 2 XMR: Translate (in August).
MILESTONE 2 for 2 XMR: Translate Monerujo (in August or September).
MILESTONE 3 for 6 XMR: Partly translate (en.yml & User Guides, in September or October).


If the request is approved by the first week of August, the project should be finished before November 1, 2018.

Replies: 12
ProkhorZ edited 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Moving the discussing text from the Ideas subforum to a comment, because I need to change the formatting:

Although nothing happened with my previous request, I kept working on translations from English to Dutch. I translated 3 updates of the GUI for free. I wrote a guide with tips for other translators, based on 15 years of experience as a freelance translator specializing in software localization (finished). The guide gives tips about topics like consistency, context, where to find reference sources and how to deal with special types of text. Last year, I created an Esperanto word list for mnemonic seeds. And I maintain a list of Monero-related Twitter accounts.

Now I'd like to request funding for the following projects, based on a modest rate of 1 XMR per 8 hours:

  • 2 XMR for translating kovri-docs and kovri-site (~4000 words, halfway; more technical than the other translations).
  • 2 XMR for translating Monerujo (~4000 words).
  • 2 XMR for translating monero-site: en.yml (~5000 translatable words).
  • 4 XMR for translating monero-site: user_guides (~9000 translatable words).

Total: 10 XMR

What do you think about dividing this request into 3 milestones?

  • 1st milestone: (in July) = 2 XMR.
  • 2nd milestone: Monerujo = 2 XMR.
  • 3rd milestone: 6 XMR.

My name is Edwin den Boer; I’m known as /u/edbwtf on Reddit, @edbwt on Twitter, @edb on Steem, and ProkhorZ on Github and StackExchange. See also my profile on for my experience as a professional translator.

Edit July 5: I lowered the rates a little.

Edit July 10: After public and private feedback, I removed the funding request for the translation guide. Most responses were sympathetic, but I don't want anybody to think twice about funding my translations for this reason. A separate request for a text that has already been written could still be successful in my opinion, but it doesn't seem worth the effort in this case.

Edit July 17: The feedback on Reddit was mixed. Several people objected that Dutch people all speak English and don't need translations. I think that's short-sighted, but in response to a question about profitability, I lowered the request from 13 to 10 XMR.

binaryFate edited 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Yes, please update clearly with milestones.

Also, be more specific as to what will be the criteria for a milestone to be fulfilled (and the corresponding payment done). For instance you wrote "2nd milestone: Monerujo", but does it mean you are happy with your own transaction? That the Monerujo project maintainer is happy with it? That is was actually merged? That it was deployed on Google Play? Be more specific as to avoid any ambiguity down the road!

Reply to: binaryFate
ProkhorZ posted 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Are there no default rules about milestones? I'd say the milestone is fulfilled when the translation is merged into the master branch.

Project maintainers can't really judge the quality of a translation, unless there are technical errors. I'll do my best to recruit Dutch-speaking reviewers.

Reply to: ProkhorZ binaryFate
m2049r posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

yes, please have at least one reviewer approve the translation.

Alex058 edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hi, I very much endorse this idea. Let's get this to funding required, I'll surely donate. Besides that, maybe for the first time I'll be able to contribute otherwise than by donating :-)

Goed idee Edwin, dank voor je eerdere werk. Ben vreselijk druk, maar ben ook een grote Monero-fan, dus schroom niet om hulp te vragen!

Thanks all for supporting this idea and getting this to funding required!

Reply to: Alex058
ProkhorZ edited 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks! How would you want to contribute? It would be great if you could review my translations.

Btw, I don't want to monopolize all Dutch translations. Other untranslated projects are:

  • the daemon & command-line client.
  • ErCiccione's GUI Guide.
  • the iOS apps CakeWallet and XWallet.
  • the publicity materials that the Outreach and Community workgroups are working on.
  • and for someone who's not busy, a very useful project would be a fansite like, because the first page of Google in Dutch for 'Monero' is currently full of sites that link to shady trading sites.
Reply to: ProkhorZ Alex058
Alex058 edited 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hi Edwin, just donated. As stated, I am very busy, but would love to review your translations. So hopefully when you're (partially) done, I have got some time, we'll see. Good luck translating!

Edit: send a second donation (albeit a small one this time)

Reply to: Alex058 ProkhorZ Alex058
ProkhorZ posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Dank je, Alex! Het project is gefinancierd en ik ben bijna klaar met het vertalen van de Kovri-documentatie.

antw081 edited 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Reply to: antw081
ProkhorZ edited 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you! The project has been funded.

samsunggalaxyplayer edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]
Reply to: samsunggalaxyplayer
ProkhorZ edited 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

That file was deleted, but the logs have been published on this website. I said I've been in the Monero for 4 years, but it's more like 2 or 3 years, it just felt longer.

Here's the relevant parts:

sgp_ a. The creator of the Dutch translations proposal reserved some time to discuss it:
ProkhorZ Hi, that´s me!
sgp_ go ahead :)
ProkhorZ Thanks!
ProkhorZ Hello, my real name is Edwin den Boer.
ProkhorZ I´ve been working as a freelance translator for 16 years and active in the community for 4 years.
ProkhorZ So far, I did some free translations including 3 GUI updates.
ProkhorZ I´d like to request funding for translating the Kovri website, the Monerujo app and the Monero website into Dutch.
suraeNoether i support this, and i'll throw some XMR your way once funding required is posted
ProkhorZ I hope professional translations will impress users :) and we need better information in Dutch for people researching Monero in Google.
ProkhorZ Thanks!
oneiric_ +1
sgp_ ErCiccione unfortunately can't be here to comment, but it seems like a good proposal to me
ProkhorZ I also wrote a guide for other Monero translators, because I have some experience. See
ProkhorZ What do you think about asking funding for a guide I already wrote?
ProkhorZ The guide explains things like how to deal with special types of text, how to translate terms consistently and where to find online dictionaries.
ProkhorZ In total, I´m requesting 16 XMR.
ProkhorZ I´m not planning to do more than one request this year.
sgp_ In general I don't think it's a big deal. I've asked for reimbursement of travel expenses I've already incurred, for instance
sgp_ Does anyone have any questions for ProkhorZ?

suraeNoether i don't have questions, but i also don't know how i feel about retroactive funding. arguments for and against. i feel like 1) it's a valuable document and 2) you already put work into it with no expectation of compensation, so I don't think you're being greedy or anything silly like that… I just have no particular opinion one way or the other

erciccione_[m] Thanks sgp_ , i gave a quick look to the logs already, writing now because my flight departs soon. About the dutch proposal, as for precedent proposals i don't endorse any FFS about translations, but i can say ProkhorZ always did a great job and helped a lot with dutch translations and not only those.