A nodejs Monero rpc wallet management package.
Under heavy developpment.
Currently for using it insert : var wallet = require('./moneronjs.js');
And create a wallet object like this : var wal = new wallet.Wallet("","8082");
Without any arguments it will try to connect to localhost port 8082 (default rpc daemon port for simplewallet).
provide basic examples of the current methods available with the wallet object. Beware to replace payment_id with valid value of your wallet.
wallet available method
Currently available :
getaddress(callback): give back the address of the wallet
getbalance(callback): give the current unlocked balance of wallet
getpaymentfromid(payment-id, callback): return the whole transactions associated to the provided payment_id
incoming_transfers(status): provide the list of tx available(unSpend) Unavailable(spent) and All
getcypheredpaymentid(Uid,amount, password): return a valid payment_id (64char hex string) which is the encrypted using AES-256-CTR of the string "unix_timestampuidamount" (uid is a 10 digit number and amount is a 9 digit number)
getrandompaymentid: return a random hexstring of 64 chars length (valid payment_id)