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Monero is under Trademark attack

"Monero" is under attack by TrademarkFuckers.

I've got today the abuse.

I don't get any earning from moneroclub site and don't want to cover legal costs. Therefore the project will move to the new domain.

I find that very dangerous for Monero community. This trademark fucker can destroy any monero site.

BTW1, "monero" is esperanto word, how it is possible to register common words from dictionary?

BTW2, bitcoin TM is registered by community. Didn't someone from monero community happen to register trademark "monero"?

CloudFlare received a trademark infringement complaint regarding:

Below is the complaint we received:

Reporter's Name: Maria Eugenia Alvarez

Trademark Holder's Name:

Reporter's Email Address: [email protected]

Reporter's Company Name: Moneero S.A.

Reported URLs:

Original Work: Trademarked Symbol: Moneero

Registration Number: 86158015

Registration Office: USTPO

Logs or Evidence of Abuse: It has come to our attention that the websites above are located on your network is using words “Monero”, "moneroclub" and other words which are substantially similar to our trademark. This is one of the locations on your networks or servers where trademark infringement was detected. Moreover, this website is anonymous and contains no legal or contact information which further indicates willful trademark infringement by you or your clients. As the website activity is related to financial services, your actions constitute trademark infringement and/or contributory trademark infringement and/or trademark dilution under the Trademark Act. This creates a conflict with our trademark and also with our product because we work in the same industry. Comments: I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of our trademark or links to such material is not authorized by the trademark owner, its agent, or the law. Furthermore, the name and activity not only inherently refers to Moneero but also to what we do. I hereby also state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the trademark or of an exclusive right under the trademark that is allegedly infringed.

We have provided the name of your hosting provider to the reporter. Additionally, we have forwarded this complaint to your hosting provider as well.


CloudFlare Abuse

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