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Spouncership on TheDailyDecrypt

Hello, first some indroduction...

Yesterday after someone post on IRC this url from dash forum i laughed my self from the reaction of dash comunity just because she mention monero on the video, i found it hilirious to watch, so i start thinking.. what we sponsor her after this just for fun? In my opinion i loved her position, she acepted dash donation but kept imparcial on her opinion, and she didnt even talked wrong about dash, she just mention monero one time and the dashers gonne crazy... So I emailed her and ask her if she was interested in acept donation from us to use our logo in her future videos, and here is the email that i address her:

Hello, i am a independent member of monero community , and as it, i watched this thread and laughed about theyir reaction about earing the word monero, in my opinion you where beeing impartial about your opinion no matter your sponsorship, and i love that attitude, i was talking with another independent members and we where woundering if you would be interested in accepting monero sponsorship to do your work

Best regards, and independently of your aceptence keep the good work

And here is her reply:

Hi, ****.

First let me say, it's so nice to see another user of Tutanota email.

Secondly, yes, we'd be more than happy to accept sponsorship by independent members of the Monero community.

Our next sponsorship opening begins Wednesday, January 27, and you are welcome to purchase as many episodes as you like.

We'd gladly accept Monero as payment at 48nPANHXFhUQWmSHNrXhnQ8PBjYRPAjrC6E5RTkfsNjhWcxxYzRpQvsZs7BzxbdHxBYzLc3qJFoyy5sq35B8V825MDEAcAD. The episodes cost $US38 each, and should you decide to purchase one (or more), please send us the general wording you'd like delivered during your 15 second sponsorship slot(s).

Thank you for reaching out, and we hope to hear from you soon.

Cheers, Amanda


What do you think about it ? One thing.. i dont think dev team should interfere in this, should be something done by independent members like me.. some people probably will call me troll, but i dont think this is a bad action, just taking advantage of some piss off members of dahscomunity to advertise monero :)

PS: I know my english is bad, so deal with it ;)

Replies: 8
Gingeropolous posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'd be down for this. At 38$ an episode, this could be an easy way to achieve some sort of exposure. Lets call it 40$, which is 80 monero.... For 500 monero we can get 6.25 episodes.

Does she have a lot of followers? I really haven't dug into her show that much.

It would be hilarious though if we could ask her to say things like "Sponsored by Monero - its more bitcoin than bitcoin" or "Sponsored by Monero - its what you thought bitcoin was" . Or if we wanted to be more vanilla, it could be like "Brought to you by Monero - a digital currency that functions like true digital cash - fungible, untraceable, and private. Download the new Hydrogen Helix release today, and run the new low memory version of Monero today"

Reply to: Gingeropolous
leotreasure posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

You can see statistics of views on videos here:

I like this line:

"Brought to you by Monero - a digital currency that functions like true digital cash - decentralised, untraceable, and private. Download the new Hydrogen Helix release today"

I dropped the word fungibility because 85% of ppl I ask if they know what it means don't know. Also dropped 'run the new low memory' because too technical and too sale-sy.

saddam posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I like this idea. It's funny how the Dash community was so offended by a mention of Monero. It is foolish to assume she would stop coverage of another coin based on who is sponsoring.

I think having multiple options she can choose from is good, to break up the monotony of having the same messaging each episode.

15 seconds is a lot of time - and she asked for general wording so it's not going to be a script read verbatim.

Based on that, I would suggest we provide two components for our messaging:

  1. Multiple catchphrases that can begin or end the 15 second segment. Examples:
  • "This episode is brought to you by Monero, and I have no way of knowing who sponsored me." (heard that one on IRC)
  • "Sponsored by Monero - Download the new Hydrogen Helix release and run Monero on any device today."
  • "Sponsored by Monero - it's what you thought Bitcoin was."
  • etc
  1. Boil down the core benefits of Monero so she can deliver that message in her own words. Remember it's mostly crypto nerds watching this program so we don't have to dumb it down 100%. Basic stuff like this:
  • "a digital currency that functions like true digital cash - fungible, untraceable, and private."
  • tout the features: adaptive block size, explain benefit of ring signatures in layman's terms
  • more
fluffypony edited 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Our stance, as a Core Team, is that Monero shouldn't be "sponsoring" stuff. We're not a company that needs marketing and gimmicks. We're happy to discuss the technology and the cryptocurrency space with reporters who are genuinely interested, but paying for sponsorship is directly against our ethos. Additionally, as a community our funds are better spent on Monero development, Monero meetups, or getting speakers to conferences we are invited to (not paying to speak at conferences).

Of course, as has happened with BitPay creating the "Bitcoin Bowl" last year, it is entirely possible that a company involved with Monero might choose to sponsor something like this in order to drive Monero traction, but they would definitely make it clear that it's their sponsorship.

Reply to: fluffypony
saddam edited 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Ok this does make sense.

New proposal: Let's sponsor but instead of messages that say "MONERO", have them promote Monero based businesses.

  • Crypto Kingdom
  • MoneroDice

any others?

Edit: I think it is important to make the distinction that this isn't sponsorship on behalf of Monero the Core Devs, but it's users.

Reply to: saddam fluffypony
fluffypony edited 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

MoneroDice would definitely be down for a few episodes, but we're busy fixing performance issues at the moment. Once they're resolved then definitely.

Reply to: saddam fluffypony
amoebatron posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Sponsorship by peripheral / associated entities like and Monerodice makes a lot more sense.

I'd certainly be willing to financially contribute.

Reply to: fluffypony
rocco posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

i agree with what fluffypony said. monero is not our venture, company, business, enterprise or whatever and we should not promote it like it was.

some of us may build businesses, companys and stuff on top of monero, or with the help of monero. but communitys relationship to this coin is entirely different compared to dash community.

dont get me wrong, this does NOT mean we are not here for the money too. but its not the main reason, even for most of the people heavily invested.

members can do and sponsor whatever they like. Some time ago people cried because of XMRPromotions twitter name. Same rules go for the sponsoring if you ask me.

tl;dr: There should be rules on how to handle stuff like promotion/sponsoring in the name of monero. its not the first time the topic comes up.

In general i think this troll war should have ended long time ago. thats why i am not in favour of sponsoring something like that right now. sometimes later, why not..

the chinese transaltion that has allready been done and paid for should be promoted instead.